chapter one

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It was a hot summer in 1856 on the wild streets of Nottingham in the UK. there were bands and gypsies everywhere and there was not a night when some house was the place of an eccentric party full of dances and maidens waiting to be married as others waited for the night to simply end.

And behind, in the background of the scene, there I was, between the streets of England follow for my chaperone, wondering over and over again what it would feel like not to live tormented by the only thing that made you different. Why can't we all know what our tomorrow will be like without being branded as liars, crazy, weird and different? And more when your own parents believe it, it is something really depressing.

I don't know much about life, the only thing I was sure of was that we all depended on something or someone to survive, And that was undeniable.

To give an example, in the case of my mother,  the <great Lady Stranford>, she depended on the comfort of a stable environment such as the one in which I was raised.

She loves knowing that every day my father goes to work, business goes well and therefore has the money to keep us in a privileged position, with that he can organize meetings and dances and attend them, buy the best dresses and make them made of the best fabric, which is why she hates with all her might when something goes wrong. 

Ironically, one of those things that she wanted so longed for being perfect, ended up being the furthest thing from the meaning of the word, and has a first and last name: Mar Angelina Stranford, firstborn of the Stranford family born with a strange condition. In the moutj of others born with a possibly a curse, or mental state that affects reality, but itself no one had any idea of the truly why. They tried to hidenit but sooner or later they all turned out to know or at least a part with a different rumor.

You will see dear readers, this girl was born with a gift, one that allows her to have future visions. but not just any vision, these happen on specific days and they were with specific people who definitely try to warn of something, or someone. And it is her destiny to find out.

And yes, This quirky weird girl that we talking about it's me.
And everything begins on the day of the great dance where I would make my debut in society.

From here on, you must solemnly promise not to say a single word of what we will experience next.
are you ready?



"It is never too late to repent, but it is too late to be forgiven sometimes."

FUTURE Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora