he stares at me for a split second. i look away and break eye contact with him. it seems as if he is about to speak but closes his mouth.

"it's on me." johnson says. "nobody argue with me because imma be the smart one and figure out our paying system."

"wow so smart." nate chuckles.

johnson kicks nate, sending him into a hurl of pain. he hisses under his breath. johnson gives him a serious look and talks in a british accent. "do not mess with professor johnson, mr. maloley."

"you didnt have to kick my shin." nate grunts.

"calm down, man." johnson laughs. "that's just what you get when you mess with me."

i laugh under my breath and lean on my elbow against the table. johnson was shorter than nate, but acted pretty tough.

"i can sense you laughing at our argument, miss daddario." johnson coughs.

"hey." i tell him. "ignore me, im the background music of this argument scene."

he shrugs and goes over to the counter to pay for our food. im guessing his paying system was rotating from each person for every time we would go out and eat.

all i wanted to know was if gilinsky and that girl had a thing going on. i don't know what i was thinking when we were all flirty in versace. maybe it just meant nothing.

we all stood up excluding gilinsky when we saw johnson coming back to the table.

"jack, put away your fucking phone before i throw it out the fucking window and you'll lose that number just like that." nate says, giving gilinsky a punch on the arm.

"okay, okay." jack replies, slowly standing up.

we all walked toward the car. johnson walked beside me, as i began to talk. "what are we doing now?"

"what time is it?" he asks, peering down at his phone. "it's like 2 pm."

"what's your number? i don't have all of your numbers yet, by the way." i question, exchanging phones with johnson.

"guys, give reagan your numbers." johnson spoke up, making the three other guys stop. he handed me back my phone and i saw that he put the contact name as "johnson 👽💸."

i handed my phone to the other guys, all of us switching.

"this is so fun having three phones in my hand!" i say sarcastically. "johnson, please hold-"

"i got you, rea." he finishes. he takes two of the phones from me and waits for me to type my number into one. "reagan 👑," i had put for all of them.

we all settled down in the car with gilinsky taking shotgun and nate driving this time. johnson let me sit on the side, seeing that i was in middle of shit with gilinsky and wilkinson. he happily sat in the middle and flashed smiles all around.

i looked down at my phone and scrolled through the contacts. " versace jack 💖", "maloley 🚬 💸", and "wilk baby 💕 💎." ( a/n i cry bc contact name goals w/ squad )

i put the phone away and sucked in a breath. both of those contact names have hearts, why. i groaned, mentally waiting for this car ride to be over. at least i was next to johnson.

"where do you wanna go?" nate asks everyone.

johnson looks at me and i just shrug. because honestly i dont know.

i felt a vibrate in my pocket, taking it out again. i really fucking hate when that happens. its my roommate whom is also one of my bestest friends.

from kealie 👼🔪 :

where u at

to kealie 👼🔪 :

you know how i went to versace yesterday??

from kealie 👼🔪 :

yeah did u like meet cute boys or some shit !!1!

to kealie 👼🔪 :

sorta yes but like theres two and one of them is being a fuckboy anD ITS PISSIN ME OFF BRUH

from kealie 👼🔪 :

you better come back and tell me eveRYTHING S2G

from kealie 👼🔪 :

when are u coming home?? i came back at like 1 cuz bb made me breakfast at his place.

to kealie 👼🔪 :

soon babe !1! wTF GOALS AF.


i never liked her, like waay before she met all the guys. im 3/4 of squad when they talk shit. my opinion so no hate. and the stuff she did with the guys is most likely true btw.

bff goals af !!1! hbd to justin drew bieber. kidrauhl forever.

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