Darryl never gave him that look.

Zak felt his heart melt, tears prick to the sides of his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows and stood up. He wasted no time to leave the cafe, walking out into the parking lot.

He walked up to his car and fumbled with the keys, then pulling the car door open and slipped inside, tears slightly blurring his vision.

Before he took off he wiped his eyes and put on some music, letting his mind calm down for a moment.

He decided to send Darryl a message saying he was going back to his apartment and that when Darryl was done he could call an uber. Zak also sent some money into Darryls account for him to pay the uber driver.

He was being petty, but he wasn't going to be that petty.


Zak had arrived home, well home as in his apartment. Needless to say, he felt horrible. He tried to tell himself that Darryl and that girl were just friends, but the thought stayed in his mind and was eating his brain.

Zak collapsed onto his bed, burying his head in a pillow, letting the soft tears roll off his cheeks onto the soft white fabric.

He grabbed his phone, Darryl hadn't even read the text yet, Zak let out a pathetic laugh and sat up. He really didn't want dwell on this much.

He grabbed his phone and scrolled through Twitter, a song playing in the back of his head on repeat.

So, for now we'll say goodbye.

Though it pains me in my heart,

Your words they come to me in memories,

They sing to me like songs.

Zak hummed the melody, if this song didn't relate to his love life what did?

Zak took a brief moment to think of something he could do to distract himself from Darryl.

He came up with one solution. Stream.

Zak stood up and made his way to his desk, as he sat down and booted up his PC. Just then he realized how horrible he looked in the black screen.

Zak stood up and walked to the bathroom, the white walls blinding as he stared at himself in the mirror.

His eyes were puffy and he had tear marks from where the tears had fallen. He really did look bad.

He ran his hands under the water, making them form a cup shape, he then splashed the water on his face, getting his hair wet in the process.

After a good five minutes if repeatedly washing his face, he felt that he was good to stream.

Zak walked over to his desk, tracing his hands over the edge softly, he was about to call out, but then he remembered he was alone

Déjà vu sucks. Not only was he alone, but Darryl was supposed to be here with him and only him. Which hit a nerve.

He opened Twitch and noticed Tubbo and Tommy were live, along with George and Antfrost. Atleast he would be able to talk to someone if they wanted to.

Zak moved his mouse curser over the words 'Go live' he was physically prepared for this, but probably not mentally, his heart ached. it felt like needles have jabbed at his skin for hours.

Zak sighed and clicked the button, switching to his 'start stream' screen. He watched as people started joining the stream, putting a 'hello' or 'SKEPPY' mainly just the normal stuff.

"Guys if you came from the notification, please say it," Zak said into his mic, watching the chat fly by, many saying they come from the notification.

Zak switched to his screen, well, his Minecraft screen. "You guys read the title! DreamSMP things here I come!" I smiled even though nobody could see me, I had my face cam off incase people knew I was crying.

"Why are you not using your face cam?" Because, chat, I am in no mood to show my face," He laughed to himself, then loaded into the server, he was in the jungle, off stream he cleared out the area a bit more.

"Why am I here-?" Zak mumbled into the mic, watching the chat go by confused.

"Chat, I'll be honest here, I dont remember logging off here." He laughed his signature laugh, looking at his phone, Darryl still hasn't seen the message, Zak was getting slightly annoyed.

A dono came up and cleared Zak of his thoughts. "Skeppy, why haven't you streamed in so long? We thought you died." A robotic voice came up, making Zak laugh a bit.

"Sorry guys! I was busy taking care of myself, and I kind of forgot?" His voice cracked at the end, all of what he had said was a lie, well besides the fact that he was sorry.

Sometimes people will get you down, sometimes its by the person you love most. Dont let that stop you from getting back up, Dusting yourself off and restarting. Because sometimes, restarting goes a long way. especially if that person isn't fond of you but doesn't even know the real you. Dont let them get you down.


1524 words. uH-oH, new character, Uh-Oh, what will Zak do?
Also that long paragraph at the end, yeah- I wrote that- it was way deeper then I expected but okay- dont think it's good but I ain't fixing it soooo-

Also, @MelLeaf, you are so wholesome I love you so much- just puttin' that out there :)

Have a good day, night, or afternoon! Ily!

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