"N/N! Hi!"

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The walk to the cafe was a bit, weird. Rio and Karma kept asking Nagisa if they could put him in dress karma bought. Nagisa kept refusing and insisting them he was a boy.

About 5 minutes later we got to the cafe, it was small and trashy but kinda homey.

"Karma I want a frappuccino with a vanilla cupcake!" Rio wrote down her order.

"I'll take an apple juice with an egg sandwich," Nagisa added.

Everyone's eyes were on me, I'd never been to a cafe so I don't know what to get.

"You should get an F/D and F/S/F." Rio tapped on my shoulder.

"How did you know I liked that?" I asked.

She laughed and walked away with Karma to get our food.

"She's amazing isn't she?" Nagisa smiled.

"Yeah, I guess so..." I mumbled. "Let's go find a seat."

Rio and Karma came back with all our food, Karma sat next to Rio and I sat next to Nagisa.

"Soooo Y/N? Why did you come to this school?" Rio asked while drinking her oreo frap.

"My grades were slipping, horribly," I replied.

"What subjects are the hardest for you?" Nagisa said

"Reading and writing, it just doesn't make sense to me. Like what's the difference between "except and accept?" I said while furiously sipping my F/D.

"Accept is when you are offered something. For example, "Avery ACCEPTED the present." Then except is not including, other than. For example, "They work every day EXCEPT Saturday." Rio pushed Nagisa aside and sat down next to me.

She pulled out a book and opened it up, "This is one of my favorite books, it is called "The Flowers of Evil". How about this, I'll teach you about literature if you help me with something." She smirked.

"Deal! I'll help you!" I replied without hesitation. Which I will come to regret later.

"Well then! I'll read you the first chapter!" She trailed off while reading the first chapter and then explained the hard long words along the way.

"God this is boring," Karma complained

"Cmon Karma, it'll be nice! We can learn something too!" Nagisa patted his back.


"We'll see you later! Okay?" Rio waved goodbye. It was about 5 P.M, she ended up reading the whole book, it was a lot...

Rio and Nagisa walked away to their houses, while I and Karma started to walk in the same direction.

"So, where do you live?" I asked while putting my hands in my sweater pockets.

"I live at -------street." He replies

"That's where my dad lives, I'll be switching today so now ill know where you live." I smile

"Your parents are divorced?" He asked, side-eyeing me.

"Mhm." I hum. "Cool." He whispers. I just roll my eyes.

"Well here's my house, bye." He waves at me.

"Bye Akabane!" I walked away.


It was about 5:30 when I got home, I unlocked the door, but nobody was there.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some F/D.

"Sqwauk! Y/N! Sqawual!"

I walked into the living room to see my bird, freaking out I was home.

"Aww, B/N." I let him out of the cage

I let him fly around for a little bit as I walked up the stairs to my room. I flopped unto my bed, tiredly. I thought about everything that happened today, the man-killing octopus teacher, the hot gym teacher, the cute redhead, Flowers of Evil, Except, and Accept. It was a lot to bring in.


"What?" I looked up from bed to see my window open, with a dark figure.

I froze, I felt the chills down my spin

"N/N! Hi!" The voice said


Y/N-Your name, F/D- favorite drink, F/S/F- favorite sweet food, B/N-Bird name

Cherry                               Rio Nakamura x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now