"I had suffered a lot in my life, people like you won't understand that. Now I am looking for opportunities and your son may be my last chance. I, with a careful thought have made my decision to marry him regardless. I was eight when both my parents left me, and the realities of life were gradually making me matured as the only child of my parents. I know what you feel when you have an only son, but if he is happy with me, can't you just give up?" Looking at his cold face, he seemed not moved at all.

"Mr Shen Bai ! You don't have a choice to disagree. We are so in love and I mean it. Just let us be" With that final statement Lan Yi ended the long conversation and walked away. She  assumed that the man was like a stone nothing would move him or make him change his decisive mind. Shen Bai was so arrogant, selfish, and inconsiderate.

"You will pay the price very high..........." With that statement Shen Bai was shaken to wake up from what seemed an annoying dream. He looked around him and saw the face of someone he didn't seem to know. He was taken aback and abruptly stood from his bed asking something very queer,

"Who are you young man? And what are you doing inside my room?" Zhao Yunlan was startled at his father's defensive behavior. He gave him full attention when he again said,

"Who allowed you in here?" He said harshly. 

"I am your son Han Chen" Yunlan murmured while his eyes reduced to tears. He was in denial for his father's condition. The conversation he made with Xin last night made his mind break into astonishment. This man here survived his ilness very bravely and smartly that non of the family members suspected he had Alzheimer. Soon the door to the room was open and Xin Ci walked inside with an ipad in his hands.

"I am sorry, I am a bit late" He played some kind of video to Shen Bai that was adressed to him by himself. He sat down slowly watching that. Xin Ci was the reliable trust worthy man who can never turn his back to his friend and boss. Every night he prepared him a detailed report about everything that happened in the previous day, sometimes records evidence for Shen Bai to believe. Xin Ci was recording every big and small talk Shen Bai had with anyone, even his most private conversations to remind him when he forgets.

"My father has no privacy, by this you know the tiniest details about him. Since when you started recording his life?" Yunlan said that to Xin Ci in somehow an odd way, he didn't seem to see the broad smile on his face like usual. 

"First of all, he turns the recorder off sometimes so I can't register anything. Don't assume your father is stupid or naive. I am not the only one whom he trusts, he has other men you don't know working for him that may give their lives to save your father. I am just one man among many. Second, I am doing this based on his request. I won't gain anything knowing his secrets since I am a loyal person. And to answer your question, it's been 5 years already" Yunlan could just freeze to what he just heard.

"Zhao Yunlan ! It's enough, Xin Ci is the last person you should be afraid of"

"I know, but still this world if full of surprises. I need to protect you just for being my blood related father nothing else. By the way, someone changed the pills you drink and that's what made your condition worsening. From now on, do not drink the medicine except from my own hands.  do you get me?" Yunlan's feeling of sadness about his father's health made him retreat even a little from his hate for what he had done to him and Shen Wei.

"I need to change, I want to have breakfast with the family. I don't want them to think I am still sick" Shen Bai was back to himself as he said with arrogance. Yunlan's jaw dropped open at his words and the look he cost the two men. He was supposed to be weak and sick but what he said instead and the way he said it was full of insolence. Before Yunlan could even utter a word, Xin Ci held his shoulder and ordered him to leave with him. The two men went out in a rush one of them being in a state of shock.

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