"HEY." My twin squeals then she turns around.

"Mwah" I say as I kiss Kimora's nose.

Kimora chuckles then she kisses my head.

"You ready?" I ask.

Kimora takes a deep breath then she nods so I put her all black robe on.

Once Kimora's robe is on I put my tracksuit jacket on then I hug my twin one more time.

"You're up." Someone says then I grab the bucket with the waters, towel, mouth guard and vaseline before I follow my twin out of her dressing room.

Once were in the hall way we stand in front of the camera's as our dressing room is locked then we head to the entrance of the tunnel.

"COMING TO THE RING." The ring announcer yells into the mic. "THE CHALLENGER, KIMORA, THE BLACK PANTHER, HEATH." 

Somehow Kimora got the nickname the Black Panther in the build up to the fight.

We think Kimora got the nickname because she wears all black, she's silent, but deadly in the ring, and because of her black panther hand tattoo.

Kimora actually likes the nickname so she hopes it sticks.

After the ring announcer intro's Kimora, J. Cole starts rapping then Kimora begins her ring walk.

I still can't believe Kimora got J. Cole to rap his song Middle Child live.

As we're doing the ring walk we pass by Kimora's friends and family section.

I smile at everyone while Kimora focuses on the ring.

When we get to the ring I move the ropes apart then Kimora gets in the ring as I put the bucket in our corner.

Once Kimora's in the ring she bows to each side while I get in the ring then she comes over to me.

Moments later Kimora's opponent is introduced then she does her ring walk.

"So whatcha gonna have to eat after this?" I ask as I look at my twin.

"They menu for the lounge place says it has steak, pizza, and pasta so probably all of that."

Kimora's was 180 at the beginning of this week and she's cut 20 pounds through out the week.

My twin usually weighs 160, but before fights she bulks up then cuts the last week.

Don't know why, but she's always done it that way so I just leave her to it.

"Dessert?" I ask as I take off Kimora's robe hood.

"A fucking cake." Kimora says making me laugh.

"Our clothes are in the dressing room right?" I ask.

"Yeah." Kimora says.

"Sick." I say. "She's in the ring now."

Kimora nods as she's introduced again then we head over for the rules thingy.

While the rules are being talked about I shake hands with everyone in the opponents corner then I stand behind my twin.

Once the rules are settled, Kimora and I return to her corner then I take off the robe and put it out of the ring.

"Open." I say then Kimora opens her mouth so I put her mouth guard in. "Good?"

Kimora nods so I kiss her nose.

My twin chuckles then I get out of the ring and head down the stairs to where I stand.

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