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Christen's POV

"Alex come on." I say as Tobin and I wait by the door for our wife.

"Don't rush me." Alex says as she comes out of the bathroom. "It takes a while to look this good."

"Lex you don't need make up." Tobin says. "You're more beautiful without it than you are with it."

"Well thank you." Alex says then she kisses Tobin. "But you're still in the dog house."

"Dang it." Tobin mumbles as Alex Kisses me.

"If you play your cards right tonight then maybe you'll be out of the dog house." I say.

"Okay." Tobin mumbles then we grab our things and head down to the lobby to wait for our friends.

We're in LA ahead of our first Victory Tour Game against Ireland, which is in a few days, and today's our off day so my wives and I are going out with Krashlyn and Pinoe to eat.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Alex asks when our friends get to us.

Everyone nods so we leave the hotel and start walking to the restaurant.

As we were walking through a park to take a shortcut to the restaurant I notice two teenage girls crying and even from here I can see the bruising on them, so either they are being abused or they both fell out of a very high tree.

Because there isn't a large enough tree in the vicinity that could cause that much bruising or scaring I assume they are being abused which breaks my heart.

From the available skin I can see there isn't a part of her body that isn't either scarred or bruised.

Who could do this to kids?

"Hey Ash do those two girls over there look okay to you?" I ask.

"Uh no they don't." Ash says. "Why don't we go see if they need anything."

I nod then our group walk over to the two biracial girls and as we approach I see both of them tense.

I'm guessing its because they know people are coming over to them.

"Are you two alright?" I ask.

Neither of them respond so I tentatively reach out to try to get their attention.

"PLEASE STOP, WE WONT DO IT AGAIN" One of them shouts then they both start shaking

Oh no.

They're having a panic attack.

I need to do something before they passes out.

Wait a minute

"Hey I'm going to try something ok?" I ask.

Neither of them respond so I sit down with the two girls and pull both into a hug and proceed do what my friend told me worked for her.

"You're okay I got you. Just listen to my heart beat and try to slow down your breathing okay?" I say then I notice their breathing slow down. "There you go. Just breath. In out in out. I got you. It's okay. I promise I wont let whatever you're scared of hurt you ever again. You're safe now. Nobody will hurt you. And if they tried they'd have to get through me and my friends here."

Eventually the two girls, who I assume are sisters or twins, get their breathing back to normal.

Once they have their breathing back to normal, the taller of the two girls looks up at us and I think she realizes who we are because I see her smile for a second.

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