Ch : 47 We will find each other

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Everything was gone according to my plan. But I didn't expect this.. no.. this is not happening. I won't let him close his eyes.. not in a millions years.

Where the hell is Leila?

He closed his eyes. His breathes are so slow.. and his heart beat is almost fading.. no.. no.. please...

You aren't supposed go this early.. we have so much time remained. No, we won't leave each other that easily.. we promised each other..

We promised that we will be each other's parasite.

I took his pale face in my palms and caressed his face.

I sobbed and cried hard, he looks so fragile.. what have I done with such beautiful, generous human being..

"Gulf.. please.. wake up.. be my parasite.. like you promised.."

I rested my forehead on his. His beats are so slowing down. I put my hand on his chest and used my power.

His heart beats increased.. but I know it's for very short time. But this short time is enough for me to calm my heart down. At least I managed to make his heart beat at normal rate.

"Gulf.. you will be alright.. I won't let anything happen to you. You are going to be okay.. nothing will happen to you. Stay alive, okay? I need you.. I need you to live.."

I kissed his forehead.

His heart suddenly started beating at very low rate again. I tried again to increase it but it's not happening.. No.. No..

"Hey.. hey.. hey.. you can't give up like that. I know you can hear me, babe. Please.. just some more time.. just a little time.. stay with me.. stay with me.. we still have to fulfill your wishes. You remember it, right? We have to go on world tour, you want to get married, adopt Alexander, built a family.. I know everything.. Of course I know. You can't go before doing that all.. now come on, be a good boy and fight more, alright?"

Nothing.. nothing I say is affecting his breathing nor his fading heart beats.

I sobbed hard, placing his body in my lap. I shook his body with force. I called him many times crying..


I wiped my tears.

I may have broken my every promise with him. That I won't lie, or I won't use my powers on him, or I will never hurt him.

But there is one promise I will never break..

If he is no more.. there is no need for me to live too. My world is nothing without him.. if he is not with me. I can't live without him.

I wiped my face completely. I ruffled his hair slowly and smiled at his mesmerising beauty.

"Allow me to come with you, my love." I said and kissed him on his pale lips.. one last time.

I took my devil knife from my back. I closed my eyes. There is nothing about it that I regret. In fact, it will be the best decision I have ever made.

I raised my hand a little to make a deep cut.. but then a hand grabbed my wrist.

I opened my eyes and saw who the intruder was.

She pushed me back from Gulf and threw my dagger far away from me. She took his almost dead body in her lap. I just watched him doing whatever she was doing. She didn't say anything.

But she placed her palm on his chest and a little glow came from it. She closed her eyes and her hand stayed on Gulf's chest.

After sometime, she opened her eyes and looked at his face. She rubbed her hand in his hair, caressing it. She smiled a warm-hearted smile at him.

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