"Stiles" I whispered. He immediately woke up and ran over to my side.

"How are feeling, are you okay?" He said holding my hand.

"Yeah I feel okay, what happened how long have I been here?" I said in a raspy voice.

"You— you overdosed you've been here since all yesterday and today" .

"I'm so sorry— I— I  didn't mean to I swear" I stuttered.

"What were you thinking?" He said hurt.

"I don't know what came over me stiles I'm sorry, I'm fine now I swear" I said.

"You don't have to apologize to me" he said. He chuckled a bit but it wasn't a happy chuckle at all.

"Can you ugh find my mom for me?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" he let go of my hand and went to find my mom.

My mom and stiles came into the room minutes later.

"Hey how are you feeling?" she said giving me a soft smile.

"I'm alright, ugh when can I— can I leave?" I asked quietly.

"Not till tomorrow —"

"WHAT?" I said loud cutting her off. "Mom I'm okay I've been here for almost 2 days, I just accidentally took a little to much I'm fine now" I said quickly.

"I'll see what I can do" she Sighed and left the room.

Me and stiles were left alone in the room, he looked at me and gave me a forced small smile.

"Stiles maybe we should just- you know be friends for now..." I said slowly. His smile quickly dropped and he stepped closer to me.

"What why?"

"I just don't want to loose you, and it would be a lot easier if we were just friends for now. You know?" I gulped.

"Yeah, yeah I— I understand it's okay" he turned around to leave.

"Stiles where are you going?"

"I just have to—" his voice cracked and a small tear formed in the corner of his eye. He quickly wiped it away with his hand and sniffled. "I just have to go" he reached for the door handle.

"Stiles—" I began to say but it was to late. he had already left.

The door opened again about 5 minutes later it was Scott and my mom.

"They cleared you to leave at 6:00pm tonight" my mom said.

"Thanks mom" i smiled at her.

"BUT, you will be with Scott 24/7  until tomorrow, do you understand me" mom said firmly.

"Yes" I nodded.

"Okay I love you guys I have to get back work" she said leaving the room.

"Love you mom" me and Scott said in sync.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"You seem distressed about something other then this" he said. You know it's a blessing and a curse to have a twin sometimes. Scott always knows when somethings wrong with me, and I always know when somethings wrong with him. I'm not saying we have twin telepathy or anything but we definitely know when somethings wrong with each other. It's almost like I can feel it.

"I just— it's— I um" I tried to say what was wrong but I couldn't get out without tearing up. Scott walked over to me and sat down.

"Aurora what happened?" He said concerned

"Stiles I— I pushed him away. I told him we should just be friends."

"Well do you just want to be friends with him?" He asked.

"No not at all, I'm just scared of losing him"

"Aurora, I'm not an expert on love but I do know that boy is head over heels in love with you" he said.

"You think?"

"Yes I know so. If I could I'd just bunk your guys' heads together. You both see it, I know you do." Scott said.

"See what?" I asked Scott.

"You know what, I leave you guys together in rooms alone all of the time. I leave you guys to work alone all of the time. I do anything possible, and yet you guys just don't see the signs. Or maybe you do and I'm just oblivious and you guys do see but just don't want to acknowledge it."

"Scott— I see it, I think we both do. There's just something holding me back from going after him completely and I don't know why" I said.

"Because you guys are to scared to accept it, and are to comfortable as friends." Scott said looking up at me from his chair next to the hospital bed.

"I thought you didn't want us together?" I asked confused.

"I was just trying to act like any other big brother—"

"Only By 5 minutes" I added and He let out a small laugh.

"Aurora of course I want you two together. He makes you happy" he smiled softly at me.

"Scott I don't tell you enough but I love you" I smiled back him.

"I love you too" he gave me a quick hug let out a laugh and looked at time. "Hey guess what?"

"What?" I laughed.

"We can leave in 5 minutes" he pointed at the clock.

Me and Scott talked the remainder of the five minutes and then left in our moms car to get something to eat. We were gonna have to come back and pick her up at 8 so we just drove around instead of going home.

I like stiles a lot I really do.What Scott said earlier in the hospital was in my head the rest of the night 'you guys are to scared to accept it, and are to comfortable as friends'. Is that really all it is? Is that what's holding me back?

My brothers best friend ||STILES STILINSKI||Where stories live. Discover now