Chapter 27

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A knock on the door brings up both back to earth. Stefan's hands were slowly letting me go as he moved away from me, only to stop a few inches from my face. My eyes lock with his and we both smile as I feel my face flush. I had not felt like that for what seemed like a long time and I really did not want to let myself go from Stefan's embrace. Groaning, Stefan moves away from me as the door knocks for a second time. I immediately feel naked without his presence there but I let him open the door.

"There you are! We've been loo..." I hear as Lexi's form suddenly walks through the door and turns to look straight in my direction stopping her dead in her tracks. "Elena! Oh my god it is so great to see you!" She says excitedly running over to hug me. I hug her back feeling great that there was someone out there that was happy to still see me. "I know that I probably interrupted something but everyone is looking for you Stefan" She says looking back to his direction.

Stefan nods his head and Lexi walks to the doorframe waiting for Stefan. He walks over to me grabbing my hand. "Come with me to the after party."

"Stefan I can't" I start to defend.

"Sure you can. Just come as you are. I just got you back. I am not letting you go again." He says slightly panicking.

"Stefan I don't have a pass to get in. I am not your plus 1. I'm only with the journalists and I can't go anywhere else unless I have a pass."

"Oh don't worry I've got all of that sorted. You were cleared to pass through with me when you went pass security earlier."


"And don't worry about what you are going to wear." I hear Lexi say from the door frame. "I brought the dress that you were going to wear tonight with me. I had a feeling that Stefan would do something like this so I got it all prepared." My heart suddenly skips a beat and I blush again. I can't believe she went through so much trouble for me.

After 30 minutes, I was ready. Lexi did my hair while I applied my make up and Lexi brought in my dress and shoes that I had left at my house with Stefan thinking that I wasn't going to need it.

Stefan was waiting outside - ever much the gentleman, he didn't want me to walk in on my own. When Lexi and I were done, I opened the door to see Stefan's face turn to surprise. He looked genuinely shocked which made me a little uneasy.

"Wow." He said and I instantly blushed.

I muttered a small thank you and Stefan held his arm out so I could link it.

"Shall we get going?" He asked. I took a deep breathe and nodded. Was I really ready for this? This has happened so fast!

Walking into the main function room, Stefan and I were greeted by people that were from different businesses congratulating Stefan on his award. I could not be more proud of him right now. Every time someone congratulated him, I could physically see him swell with pride. He thoroughly deserved this award and he was now within the elite that received awards for his achievements! I looked around the room as we walked through and I was amazed by the colors of the room. The lights were low, but you could see dark purple and white drapes hanging from the grand hall that we were in, there were round white clothed tables with purple candles surrounded by small white flowers in the middle. There were low lights everywhere you looked which gave it a great atmosphere as people were walking around sipping drinks and talking to journalists who had managed to get in.

I look at the journalists and smiled. There was a velvet line across that side of the room where only journalists could stand and I was on the other side again! I was back on the right side with my boyfriend at my side and I never felt so happy. I was not expecting to be on this side of the line tonight. I only expected an awkward encounter with Stefan not...this.

When we were walking up to the table that Stefan was assigned, I suddenly heard screams in my direction.

"Elena! I can't believe you made it! Stefan said you two broke up!" Stefan's mum said to me while giving me a hug. "It's so lovely to see you Elena."

I smile back. "And you. It's lovely to see you too. Stefan and I didn't break up no. We just had a few problems but we are fine now." I reassure her.

"Well it's great to see you none the less." Stefan's dad says to me giving me a kiss on the cheek. I look to the side and I see Stefan shaking hands with Damon. "Well done Stefan." He said giving him a wink. I didn't need to think of what that was about. I already knew. Lexi told me while I was getting ready that Stefan was planning to try and win me back tonight. 'Good thing it worked really' I smile. I was suddenly bombarded with hugs from Caroline, Matt and everyone else that was sitting on the table! I was so overwhelmed I actually started crying at one point.

"You finally got your prince Elena. That speech was beautiful. I cried when he said that he loved you on stage" Caroline whispered into my ear as she hugged me trying to hide my tears that were silently rolling down my face. "You look amazing"

The soft music that was playing previously suddenly changed to dance music and inside I lit up. Stefan and I's relationship started at a party like this with a DJ who was playing music just like this. Stefan, sensing my reminiscing, grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor. The others followed us after a song or two and it was fantastic. I look around at all of my friends who were dancing and having a great time while I saw Rebekah in the corner of the room sitting on her own. Apparently the guy she was with dumped her because he found out what she did to Stefan when he made his speech earlier. This night could not get any better for me.

I was back on cloud nine as I realised right there on that dance floor I had everything that I ever wanted. I had a successful career, my friends and family close by, and most of all, I had a man who loved me no matter what that he would declare his love for me for the world to hear.

I looked up to see Stefan looking back at me and our eyes locked again. I know right not deep in my heart that I am not letting this man go for nobody ever again.

"What?" he asks chuckling.

"I love you." I tell him putting all of my heart and soul into it.

"I love you too. More than you will ever know" He answers back as he leans down to kiss me on the lips that sent those amazing familiar spark running through my body that don't make me want to stop being this close to him.

Yes Caroline it is true. I have finally got my prince.


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