Chapter 18

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I am fully in bliss. Nothing right now can ruin my mood as I lie in bed and watch Stefan lying still on his side next to me. It's still early in the morning and I don't have to be in work for another two hours which, considering I can be up and dressed and at work in 30 minutes, is a long time to be awake for. So deciding that I can probably do with another hours sleep, I lie myself down further into the bed and move myself closer to Stefan, snaking my leg around his and burying my head into his chest.

"Are you comfortable there?" I hear Stefan mumble.

I sigh "Very much so."

I hear him laugh gently. "That's a shame"

"Why's that?" I ask thinking I know where he is about to go with this

"Because then I can't do this" With that, I am immediately rolled onto my back and I find Stefan has straddled me. I scream in shock and I start to laugh as he starts to tickle my sides making me squirm.

"Come on!" I shout trying to free myself "I only have an hour to lie in bed with you before I have to get up."

The tickling suddenly stops. Stefan looks intrigued "An hour eh?"

I nod "A lot can be done in an hour you know?" He implies

"Oh really? Like what?" I ask

"Like this" Stefan says leaning down to kiss me...

...."ELENA!" I hear from my side. "Wake up!"

"What! I'm awake!" I am suddenly pulled out of my thoughts as I realize I am currently sitting at my desk in work, instead of in bed with Stefan this morning. I look around to see who was shouting my name.

"Urgh finally. You were daydreaming for over 20 minutes. Must have been good! You've missed three phones calls that I had to take for you!" Caroline told me as I turn an harsh shade of scarlet.

"I am so sorry Care." I start to apologize as I read the notes of the numbers that must have rung while I was daydreaming.

"It's okay. As long as you tell me what was keeping you occupied so much." Caroline teases.

If possible my face turns even more scarlet. "I was day dreaming about Stefan and I this morning..."

"Say no more! I don't want to know the details! He must be excellent to have you day dream this long! Any longer and Bonnie might have caught you."

I freeze. Shit. Bonnie. I didn't really think of that. We haven't really spoken much since the whole magazine debacle but we are back on speaking terms purely for work purposes. In hind sight I knew what I was getting myself into when I started going out with Stefan and I knew that as an editor of a magazine Bonnie was doing right by the company, but I was more hurt because she didn't say anything to me. She just went out and tried to take pictures of my private life regardless. She has tried to apologise for her behavior and the way that she acted but I just don't want to listen yet. She was one of my best friends and she used that against me and made me look like the idiot for being mad at such a big thing. She said that she had to keep up appearances for Hayley's sake but it was still not the way to go around it. I'm a big believer in trust and now that she has broken it, she REALLY has to earn it back for me to start speaking to her again on a friendship basis. Caroline has been talking to me often about trying to make amends with Bonnie but I am just not there yet. I can't just forgive and forget this one. She basically started off Stefan and I being followed everywhere by photographers.

I immediately pull a 'woops' face and start to catch up on my work. By lunchtime, I had arranged four interviews, written two drafts of stories and I was now trying to gather as much information as possible for the business awards that Stefan and I are going to in a few weeks. Wow these awards ARE big. Almost all of the big companies are going to be there. After lunch I keep myself busy writing down all of the names of the businesses attending and the people there before I realize that the phone next to me is ringing. It's from reception.

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