Chapter 12

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"Yes The Ritz." Stefan confirmed. I can not believe he has taken me here on a date! I can not contain my glee as I kiss him as a thank you and he kisses me in response. He waves his head towards the car door indicating he wants to go out. Getting out and holding the car door for me so I can get out I am full of excitement. I have seen and heard some wonderful things about this place but I have never entered it. The excitement however dies in me a little when I remember that Stefan wants to ask me something tonight. I have no idea what it might be, but he didn't seem nervous or sad about it when he told me so it must be something good...right?

Walking inside I see many round tables seated in lines along a gigantic white hall. It looks amazing in here. I smile an ear to ear grin as a woman seats us down in a table in the corner of the room, luckily no where near any windows so people outside can see us. Recently I have been getting more aware of my surroundings since the paparazzi are seen outside Stefan's house practically every other day. Sitting down, I look at my menu and pick out all of the foods that are either too smelly, would make me look like I'm wearing clown-style makeup from the sauce and what I genuinely don't like. After going through it all, I just decide on a salad. Plain, simple and suitable for a date. No mess, light and healthy. After putting down my menu I realize that Stefan had been watching me the whole time. I cock my head to the side to ask what was up.

"I love it when you concentrate." He said smiling. "You always stick your tongue slightly out to the side when you are thinking very hard." I suddenly turn a deep shade of scarlet.

"I didn't want to ruin the night by choosing something too smelly or that could go everywhere." I say. Stefan laughs.

"I wouldn't care. Honestly I like it the most when we are sitting at home eating pizza and not caring about what we look like or how we behave. You look your most natural that way." He says making me smile.

"Well I'm glad you think so." I start to say

"But it is nice to see you all dressed up. You look stunning Elena." He says to me smiling an amazing full watt smile again.

"I like dressing up nicely for you... "I say staying my deep shade of scarlet. "And I love where you have taken us tonight. This place is amazing. I have always wanted to come here."

"Well I'm glad that I could do that for you. Ever since I asked you whether you wanted to come here or not on our first date I was adement on getting you back here" He says looking down at his own menu. I smile thinking about our first date but I suddenly change my mood as I remember what happened after the cafe. It pains me to think that I could have had a date with one of the most eligable bachelors and lost my chance of happiness with him in the space of one night. As I look around the room I take in some of the other diners and the finer details of the room. Soft music fills the room and I am almost lost in the amazing sound of the piano playing a soft lament. Stefan brings me back into the now, engaging me in conversation until the waitress comes to take our orders. Once our waitress has left I felt like I had to answer the large elephant in the room.

"So what is this thing you wanted to ask me?" I ask wanting to get it out and in the open. I knew this dinner was done for a reason. Maybe he was trying to butter me up for something, I'm not sure.

Stefan takes a deep breathe. "Okay. I know this sounds like something I could very easily ask you at home but I wanted to ask you somewhere where we can have a long talk about it and you get our 'date night' dinner out."

This started to get me concerned. "Okay." I say slowly

"Don't worry. It is nothing bad. Every year my parents organize a charity event here in London and I would like you to go with me." He asks me slightly pausing at the end. He is clearly quite nervous.

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