Chapter 9

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"You want me to meet your family?" I asked. This was not something I was expecting on a Monday morning over the phone. Yes Stefan and I had gotten closer since our date on Friday and we've been talking a lot on the phone and texting each other throughout Sunday, but was this a little too soon?

"No. Not all of my family. Just a few friends. I'm having a barbeque at the end of the week and I want you to come along. I think you will get along with them." I heard Stefan say over the phone. Weighing up my options, I thought that it was not the worst thing to possibly happen and that the stunt that was pulled on Friday should not happen again. But I needed back up if Stefan was going to be the only one that I knew there.

"Can I bring Caroline?" I asked hopefully

Stefan laughed "Of course. I would love to see caroline again...not in her pjs of course like last time. Anyway Matt is going to be there. I'm surprised he hadn't said anything to her yet." I stare at Caroline in response wondering if he had or not. Caroline had not really told me much about what was happening with them too since they were together.

"You probably beat him to it" I joked.

"So will you come?" Stefan asked hopefully.

"Yeah. It sounds like fun." I answered smiling turning my chair at my office in direction of Caroline's making a face to her saying that I needed to talk to her.

"Great. Listen... Have you sorted out that photographer issue yet? "Stefan asked.

"No. Not yet. But it will be done by the end of the day believe me." I sneered. I was in vengeance mode when Stefan mentioned that.

"Alright. Well I'd best leave you to it. Good luck. I'll talk to you later."

I put down the phone and motioned Caroline to make her way over to me. "It's time" I said. I was in the mood to kick some serious ass today and I didn't care who it was. Walking up to Hayley's desk, Caroline and I stood behind her chair, arms folded and serious bitch looks on our faces.

"Why did you take those pictures?" Was all I said to Hayley. She turned her head, found who was talking to her and spun her chair around to face us both with a look of forced confusion.

"I don't know what you are on about. What pictures?" She asked

"You know full well what pictures Hayley. I saw you taking pictures of me and Stefan while I was on my date with him. What the hell was that about?" I almost shouted at her.

"I seriously don't know what you are on about. Wait... you went on a date with THE Stefan Salvatore?"

"Yes Hayley. I know the whole floor knows I did so it's obvious you will know too. Why were you taking pictures. Did someone put you up to it? Honestly?"

Hayley just sneered back at me. Her face suddenly turning from bewilderment to snarky.

She scoffed. "Please. Like I needed to be put up to it. You know full well how hard it is to get a picture with Stefan Salvatore with a date. When I heard you and him were dating of course I had to get a picture of you two before anyone else. Guaranteed promotion."

"You bitch!" I shouted about to lunge at her but Caroline grabbed me in time before I couldn't do anything.

"Now ladies! What on earth is going on!" We heard from behind us. We turned around to see Bonnie fuming at us all. In a very controlled voice she spoke slowly while staring at all of us. "Now. Caroline. Elena. Hayley. My office if you please." She turned and started walking to her office with myself Caroline and Hayley following with our tails between our legs. This was not going to be pretty at all and we all knew it.

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