Avengers: Age of Ultron pt.3

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I showed them the closet where they could change. I went and changed into my newest suit. This one had something special. Back engines. I guess you could say I loved upgrading. But no too much. There were thrusters located on my shoulder blades, elbows, calves, and the bottom of my feet. My spear now split in half and was magnetized. My suit had been reinforced with shields on the sides of the arms. Wanda walked out wearing nat's jacket. It was red. I nodded at her. " Looks nice on you," I said. She nodded.

Pietro and Wanda were on Civilian duty. Tony, Thor, and Steve were drawing Ultron out. I went to look for Nat. Thor put a hole in the wall as an entrance. " Natasha!" I shouted as I ran through the building. " Axel?" She said. I followed her voice. " You all right?" I asked as I neared her. She was locked in a cell. " Yeah." She said. " The team is in the city. It's about to get real shaky." I said smiling at her. She smiled back. " I don't suppose you found a key lying around here somewhere?" She asked. I gripped the bars. I pulled it off. I bent them wide enough for her to get out. " That works," She said squeezing through the hole. " What's the plan?" She asked. " I'm here to get you to safety," I said turning to face her. " Jobs not finished," She said. " YOu've been in a jail cell. You need to get a checkup" I said. She shook her head. " You can help with the evacuation," I said. " What are you doing?" She asked nearing me. I sighed. " Luering Ultron out with my new upgrades," I said. She shook her head. " I can't let you do that." She said putting her hands on the side of my face. " And I can't let you get hurt," I said picking her up. She yelped from the sudden movement. I made my way toward the exit. " Hold on," I said as we got to an open space. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I turned on the boosters. We were about ten feet up when robots started coming out of the ground. " Shit" I siad. " I have to get you to safety," I said as I headed toward the direction of the Quinjet.

I had dropped Natasha off at the Quinjet. I landed on top of a robot that was shooting at Wanda. I punched my fist through the other one's head. I was getting up when the ground started breaking apart. " What's going on?" I asked through Comms. " The city's lifting," Steve said. "There are still people on this Rock!" I said flying along the side of the rock. " yeah, I know!" Tony shouted. " Natasha" I sid into Comms. " Yeah, I'm here." She said. " Where are you?" I said looking around. " North," She said. " Stark. You worry about getting this thing back down. Everyone else. You have one job. Tear these things apart. You get hurt. Hurt em' back. YOu get killed... Walk it off" Steve said through comms. I smiled. " On my way to you Natasha," I said turning and heading north. " Mask?" She asked as I landed. The mask on my face retracted. " Saftey in case I fly too high," I said. Natasha looked at me. " You ready?" I asked. She nodded. Two bots came down. I pulled out my spear. Natasha pulled out her Batons. I smiled. I spun my Staff in my hand.

I was in the center of town. Thor and Cap were working together. " Thor. You're bothering me" Ultron said as he came by. He grabbed Thor and left. " All right we're all clear here," Clint said through Comms. " We are not clear! We are very not clear!" Steve responded. " There's so many of them," I said as I punched my fist through a bots head. Steve and Nat were working together with the shield. We were flying up into the clouds. Steve and Tony were talking over Comms. I walked over to Natasha. She looked at me. " We're not dying. Not until I get to take you out to dinner" I said smiling at her. She smiled back. " You don't have to worry about that" Fury said over Comms. " Fury?" I asked. A ship flew up next to us. " Nice right? Pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty but she'll do." Fury said. " Fury, you son of a bitch" Steve said. " Ooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury asked. I laughed. " This is S.H.I.E.L.D?" Pietro asked. " This is what S.H.I.E.L.D. is supposed to be" Steve responded. " Enough Chit-chat. Let's get these people to safety" I said putting away my staff. " I'm coming with you," Natasha said. I nodded.

" Avengers time to work for a living," Tony said. I smiled. Everyone gathered at the central church. " You test out those thrusters yet?" Tony asked me. " Yep," I said twisting and punching my arm through the stomach of a bot. " I gave you upgrades for a reason Wolfie," Tony said. " I am not using what you're implying," I said ripping one of the bots in half. " oh come on. One clap and the bots will be pancakes" He said. I grunted. " fine," I said. I pushed a button. My mask covered my face. " Ready?" I asked. Tony came down to me. " yep" He said. He put his hand in front of me. I put all my power into making Tony's hand. A wave flew out in the direction we pointed at. All the bots in front of us fell. I sighed. " Happy now?" I asked. " Ooh, you sound threatening with the mask on. " Shut up," I said grabbing a bot that was near Tony. " What's the drill?" Natasha asked coming up to everyone. " This is the drill," Tony said pointing to the big machine behind us. I looked at it. " If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose," Tony said. The big green man joined behind us. " Nice to see you Banner," I said. He grunted. Ultron floated down. " Is that the best you can do?!" Thor shouted at him. More bots came to his side. " You had to ask," Steve said. " this is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron said. " Well, like the old man said. Together" Tony said. The bots came rushing at us. I tore and stabbed all the bots I could. I even skewered two of them. I threw my spear at one of them. The spear stuck into the wall. I opened my hand. The spear came to me. Vision and Ultron started fighting above us. Vision, Thor, and Tony all started shooting at him. " you guys get to the boats. I'll sweep for stragglers. Be right behind you" Steve said to Nathasa, Clint, and I. I nodded. " What about the core?" Clint asked. " I'll protect it," Wanda said. I looked at her. " It's my job." She said. " Nat, Axel. This way" Clint said. " You gonna put your mask on?" Natasha asked. " The airs getting thin. If it gets too thin I'll hand it to you" I said as I ran beside her. She smiled.

Clint was driving a car through the city. Nat and Clint were talking about renovations to Clint's house. I heard Hulk yell. "Let's go." I said getting out of the car. " I'll take care of the big guy," Natasha said. I looked at her. " No way," I said. " Thor will do it," I said. She looked at me. " Thor has to get to the church." She said. walking around the Vehicle. " Just let her. She can do it" Clint said. I nodded. " Hey," I said grabbing her arm. She looked at me. I grabbed her face and kissed her. She kissed back. " call me if you need help ok." I said. She smiled and nodded. I watched her go.

I was on the ship when I saw Banner jump into the air after getting shot at. " Shit" I ran toward where Natasha was. I ran through buildings and jumped over cars. I finally found Natasha on the ground. " Come on," I said sliding next to her. I checked her for wounds. She didn't have any. I picked her up. " I've got to get Nat onto Fury's ship. I'll try and get back as soon as I can" I said into comms. " I understand," Steve said. I flew up into the air. Nat woke up a little after I brought her down. " medic!" I yelled carrying her over. " I'm fine," She said. " You need to get back." She said. I nodded. " I know," I said. I put her down. I looked over. The city started plummeting down. Oh no. I saw lightning conjure above the city. In seconds the city disentegrated. I sighed in relief. " Stark... Talk to me." I said into comms. It was silent for a moment. " Present," he said. I sighed. I heard him laugh. " Did I scare you wolfie?" He asked. " I was more scared of what Pepper would have done to me," I said. I heard him sigh. " Pepper," He said. I smiled.

I was walking around the new Avengers facility in Upstate new york. It was quite fancy. Natasha was standing in the ballet room. She wanted to be alone. Banner had disappeared. I know Natasha recruited him. Thor, Steve, and Tony were walking around talking about Vision. I sighed as I watched the soldiers run through the trails. " Wolfie!" Tony shouted. I sighed and turned around. "Let's go!" He shouted. I walked over to Steve who was standing next to Tony. Natasha and Steve would be training the new Avengers. I was going to take a break and stay with Tony for a bit. If they needed me they would call. " You were going to leave without saying by!" Natasha said from behind me. " Yikes," Tony said. I turned around. She walked toward me. " Hey," I said smiling at her. She didn't say anything and kept walking forward. I scratched the back of my neck. Natasha stopped right in front of me. She punched me in the gut. I groaned. I bent over. She grabbed my face and kissed me. After we kissed I sat back up. " That was a terrible way of getting me to bend over," I said holding onto my gut. She shrugged. " Have a nice trip. Make sure to call me." She said smiling. " oh I will take good care of her." Tony said. I turned and looked at him. Natasha sighed. " Get some rest, please. Oh and... keep making upgrades to your suit. They're actually helpful" She said then walked away. I smiled. " You and Romonaff?" Steve said. I sighed. " You and Tony?" I said looking between them shocked. Steve pushed my shoulder. I laughed. " I'm gonna miss you." He said. I nodded. " And I'm gonna miss your not-so-potty mouth," I said smiling. He smiled. I saluted. He didn't move. I furrowed my eyebrows. " You gonna?" I said. He walked forward and hugged me. I dropped my arms. I wrapped them around Steve. He sucked in a deep breath. " Give em' hell," I said patting his back. He smiled. "can we go now?" Tony asked getting impatient. I got in the car.

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