Chapter 11

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Two weeks later.
Cartman hurried to school, he was late to history. He had spent the last two weeks avoiding everyones phone calls, especially Kyle's. He didn't know why he was so scared, maybe he was afraid of real intimacy. He wasn't used to anyone actually liking him.
He entered his classroom and sat down in the back beside Bebe.

"Why are you sitting here? Can't you go somewhere else, fatass?" Bebe asked annoyed.

"Shut up." Cartman replied as he took up his books. He leaned over the table and put the largest book infront of his face.

"Are you hiding from someone?" Bebe asked intrigued as she looked around the room.

"No, I always read like this." Cartman said and scoffed.

"Okay, i wouldn't know." Bebe shrugged and turned to her own book. "I didn't even know you could read."

"Funny." He replied. Cartman looked over his book and saw Kyle enter the room. Kyle had dark circles around his eyes, like he hadn't slept for days. It made Cartman feel like maybe it was his fault. He shouldn't be ghosting him. Kyle looked around the room and Cartman immediately hid behind his book. Kyle didn't seem to notice Cartman and went to his usual seat.

After class.
Cartman jumped up as soon as the bell rang and hurried out of the classroom. He looked behind him just as he stepped out of the room and his eyes met with Kyle's. It didn't stop him though, Cartman ran into the nearest bathroom and locked the door behind him. 'I'll just wait here until I have to go to math.' He took his vape out of his pocket and took a drag. He thought vaping was pretty stupid but he usually had one in his pocket incase he needed to calm down.

"Hey! Open up." Cartman heard Kyle on the other side of the door. "I know you're in there, you idiot!" Kyle called. Cartman took a couple of drags from the vape and then opened the door while putting it in his pocket.

"Oh, hey. What's up Kahl?" Cartman asked casually. Kyle grabbed Cartman's collar and pushed him against the wall.

"Who do you think you are?!" Kyle cried out. "Do you really think I'm just going to let you mess with my feelings like this??" Tears formed in his eyes. "I'm a human being, for fucks sake!" Kyle shook Cartman lightly. "Why can't you just treat me like one!"


"I can't do this anymore, I really can't." Kyle let go of Cartman's jacket.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I don't know if this was just some elaborate scheme to get revenge for hurting your feelings two years ago, but it's seriously fucking with me." Kyle turned away from Cartman and wiped his tears as he sniffled. "This is fucked."

"It isn't some plan, I'm sorry."

"Don't. You'll just deny everything tomorrow, it doesn't mean anything." Kyle walked out of the bathroom.
Cartman just stood there dumbfounded.

The next day.
Kyle hadn't slept at all the whole night. He had barely got any sleep for over a week. He felt like he was about to drop dead. He looked at his phone and saw he had a text.

Cartman: Hey can we maybe talk? I've been a douche lately

Kyle looked at the text for a while and then put the phone in his pocket. He got dressed and went downstairs. His dad greeted him as he walked into the livingroom.

"You're up early." Gerald said.

"Didn't sleep." Kyle replied.

"Is something wrong?"

"Nothing I could tell you." Kyle said and went to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Kyle. You want some cereal?" Sheila asked.

"No thanks, mom. I'm not hungry."

"Are you all right? You haven't been yourself lately." Sheila walked up to Kyle and put her hand on his forehead. "Do you feel sick?"

"I'm not sick." Kyle backed away and leaned against the counter. "I've been wondering though.."

"What is it, honey?"

"You remember how I was talking about moving out the other day?"

"But Kyle you're only 18! Don't you think it's a little too soon to be moving out?" Sheila said worried.

"I just think I've had enough of this town. I feel like I need to get out of here and I've been saving a bunch of money and I have my savings account." Kyle said.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm honestly not." Kyle started sobbing. "I just have to get out of here, mom. I feel like I'll lose my mind if I s-stay here any longer."

"Okay.. We'll figure something out." Sheila said as she hugged her son.

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