Chapter 10

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Cartman woke up with a splitting headache. He turned on the bed and there was Kyle's face, not much than an inch away from Cartman's. Kyle let out a quiet snore as Cartman sat up, he went to the bathroom.
He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and splashed his face with cold water.

"Did last night really happen?" Cartman thought outloud. "Did I actually say that I love him?" His eyes widened. "Did Kahl actually read my diary??"

"Hey, dude? You okay?" Kenny knocked and called through the door.

'Shit, I forgot Kenny and Stan were here! What if they see Kahl in my bed?? I will never hear the end of it if they think we did anything while they were downstairs!' Cartman thought as he paced from the bathtub to the door.

"Cartman!" Kenny shouted.

"What?!" Cartman yelled back.

"Just checking if you're alive in there" Kenny replied and chuckled. "Come downstairs, Stan and Kyle are making breakfast" he then went.

"Kyle is already downstairs? That was quick.." Cartman mumbled to himself. He then brushed his teeth and hurried down.

"Hey there, hot stuff" Kenny said as Cartman entered the kitchen. "You sleep well?" He asked.

"I don't know." Cartman replied. 'He knows! I'm sure he knows! Kyle must've told them both!' He started sweating.

"Are you okay?" Stan noticed Cartman stressing out and walked over to him. "You need to throw up or something?"

"I'm fine. What's for breakfast?" Cartman tried to calm down.

"Sit." Kenny pointed at the seat across from him. "It's a surprise." He smiled. Cartman sat down and glanced over at the stove where Kyle stood. Kyle met his stare and then looked back at the pan infront of him and smiled slightly to himself.
Stan sat down with Cartman and Kenny. He noticed the exhange og glances between the two.

"Did something happen last night or..?" Stan asked with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked as he came to the table with pancakes and sat down.

"You did sleep in the same bed last night, right?" Stan said.

"Maybe they didn't do much sleeping, Stanley." Kenny insinuated.

"Nothing happened, guys. We really just fell asleep." Kyle replied.

"Yeah.." Cartman agreed. He looked over at Kyle and Kyle gave him a wink.

The boys started going home after breakfast, Stan left first, then Kenny so it was just Kyle and Cartman.

"So when were you thinking about leaving?" Cartman asked.

"I don't know. I was kind of wondering if you could hang out a bit?" Kyle replied.

"What do you want to do?"

"Maybe talk about last night?"

"What do you mean? You said nothing happened." Cartman said.

"You don't remember?" Kyle felt a sting in his heart. "Like at all?"

"Can't say I do, sorry." Cartman lied. "I was so drunk." He continued, but he remembered every detail of what they talked about.

"But I read your diary an-" Kyle started.

"First of all it's a journal!" Cartman cut Kyle off. "Diary's are for chicks. And second, you don't read someone's journal! That's an invasion of my privacy and I don't tolerate that!"


"No, you know what? Now this is just unacceptable and I really think you should leave, Kahl. Like right now!" Cartman said, not with an angry tone but more like a panicked ramble.

"I didn't mean-" Kyle sniffled.

"Nope, sorry, Kahl. You gotta go." Cartman led Kyle to the door. "Goodbye now, see you at school or something." He pushed him outside and closed the door. Kyle's eyes welled up with tears and he hurried home.

Cartman went to his room, slammed the door and started sobbing. He sat down on the floor and buried his face in his knees. 'Why am I like this?' He thought. 'Why do I always ruin things??'

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