-Well Captain-

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Y/n's POV
Weeks went by like hours and before I knew it I was standing on platfrom 9 3/4 ready to get back to hogwarts. I was looking at Oliver, both of us wearing a sad expression on our faces. "il write you" I said softly placing my head on his chest and clapping my hands around his neck. "il write you back" he said kissing the top of my head. "promise me you will visit every break" he said seriously.

I laughed "we already talked about that, I promise I will"

he gave me one last passionate kiss followed by a hug before he let me go and watched as I entered the train.


I let out a big sigh as I placed my trunk in my compartment and dropped on the seat next to the window. I took out a black notebook and began to write.

Quiddich notes

Need: 2 beaters

          1 keeper

            1 chaser

Current team:

Chaser: y/n Pucey, katie Bell

Seeker: Harry Potter

I sighed disappointed knowing that I only had 3 players left on the team. Minutes later the door of my compartment slide open and 2 boys strumbeld in, one I recognized as Ronald Weasley, the other one as Comac MgClarren. I raised a eyebrow "can I help you boys" I said focusing back tot my notebook, which now was full of tactics.

"uh yes- yes I- uh we were wondering when tryouts start" Ronald said. "yes because we wanne tryout" Comac said giving Ron a dirty look

"next Wednesday, 4PM" I said not bothering to look at the 2 boys who were now making quiet insults to eachother. "thanks Pucey" Ronald said polite before walking out again.

I let out a big sigh finally having rest, although that so called rested didn't take long when the door of the compartment went open again, showing a tall ginger girl  "hi, i'm ginny" she said taking the seat in front of me.

I gave her a smile "so-uhm I was wondering do you have a spot free on the team for chasers. I nodded "tryouts are next Wednesday at 4PM"

"Cool-cool, what spots are left as well?"

"keeper, both places for beaters and 1 chaser" I said.

We talked for a bit, mostly about quiddich before she went back to her own compartment.


A few days later it was Wednesday, 3:50 I was at the pitch waiting for people to arive, soon enough the pitch and the stands filled with people who were either trying out, or watching.

I waited a few more minutes before starring to speak "ALRIGHT" I screamed getting everwon's attention "I am in need of a new keeper, 2 new beaters and a chaser. So I will judge you're playing by speed, skill, and how well you can work with others"

"so get on you're broom and start playing" I said looking down at my notebook writing all the names of the people that were trying out.

Ginny weasley, Dean Thomas -> chasers

Andrew kikre, Jack Sloper, Ritche Coote -> Beaters

Ronald Weasley, Comac MgClarren -> Keepers

I then began watching each of them carefully, fastly picking up that Comac was more of a show off then a good keeper, Ron on the other hand was absollutly briljant. I smiled putting a cross by his name. I then looked at the chasers, both Ginny and Dean were doing very good, it was going to be a hard choise.

Next on my list was Beaters, Jack and Andrew did almost as good as Fred and George, sadly Ritche fell of her broom causing her a broken wrist and no spot on the team.

an hour went by before I called them all down "very well, at the end of the evening I will let everywon know. Thank you all for comming" I smiled at them. Placing the used quidditch set in madam's Hooch office and walking back to my common room. My owl was sitting on my desk with a piece of paper in her mouth. I smiled and rushed over to my desk, grabbing the paper from her. I smiled while beginning to read


You should be at Hogwarts by now. I already miss you therefore I though it would be good if I wrote you, I had practice this morning and you have no idea how fun the new team is. Talking about teams how is the Gryffindor team I hope you have some new beaters and a keeper ( not that someone could be as good as me of course) just kidding, I really do hope you win the housecup, if you have time please do write me back

Yours, Oliver

I smiled putting the letter in my desk and grabbing a piece of paper.


I am happy to hear that you're new team is fun. And of course I miss you too, you have no idea the castle is almost emtey without you and I really wish you could be here. As for the Gryffindor team all the emtey spotts have been filled in, and yes also you're goalkeeper position you might know him, Ronald Weasley he was very good almost as good as you are. I love you dearly and Il wirte again if I find some time

Yours, Y/n

I gave the letter to my owl before saying Oliver's name and watching her fly out of my window.

I then grabbed another piece of paper and began writing again.


Captain -> Y/n Pucey

Chasers -> Ginny Weasley, Katie Bell and y/n Pucey

Beaters -> Andew Kikre and Jack Sloper

Seeker -> Harry Potter

Keeper -> Ronald Weasley

All choises are final

I walked out of my room to find all the people who tried out waiting in the common room, Katie and Harry were talking by the fireplace along with some other people. I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs, the paper in my hands.

I walked to the little round table and placed the paper in the middle of it. Almost immidiatly people jumped up, Dean Thomas was the first one to grab the paper and began to read it out loud.

"okay okay, lisen up Chaseres, are Ginny, Katie and y/n. Beaters, Andrew and Jack seeker is Harry, and Keeper is Ron" he said loudly trying to get his voice over the noise. I stood next to Harry. "well Captain" he said jokingly. I laughed "oh please, it's miss Captain for you"

he bursted out lauging. Soon the whole new team was talking with eachother. "well team, ready to win that bloody house cup?" I asked existed


I know I know, it's a filler chapter but I have a few idaeas for a epic end but new ideas are Always welcome.

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