-Quiddich tryouts-

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Oliver's POV
The day soon came that I was nervously standing in front of a big quiddich pitch with my broomstick and a bag with all my clothes and quiddich gear. I think y/n was more exsited and I was. I dragged her along, she claimed she didn't want to go and that I needed to focus but I could tell she was exsited.

Y/n took place in the stands as I walked to the lockerroom which had the big sign "tryouts" on it. I was suprised to find  only 4 other people in there, all of  them already in their quiddich clothes. I placed my broom on a table and walked into the dressing room.

After 10 minutes I stood on the field. A men was standing in the middle, a big clapboard in his hand "alright, thank you all for  comming  each  and every single one of you has a big tallent for quiddich. I have 2 keepers and 4 chasers. But I am in need of 1 new keeper and 1 new chaser. give it you're best  shot and let me see what you got" he screamed.

The girl who was standing next to be immediately stepped on her broom and flew to the left hoops.  so she was trying out for keeper as well.  I confidently flew over to the right hoops and waited for one of the other boys to start trowing.

The first 10 tries were easy to block. I looked over  to the other side of the field to see the girl blocking a shot as well. I mentaly told myself that I needed to be more inpresive seeing her almost standing on her broom trying to catch the quaffle while I just easlily stayed on my broom. Than the words of y/n ran trough my head. 'just be carefull and remember, the only thing you need to do is get the quaffle out of the hoops'

I tried to get the quaffle out of the hoops with a few impressive things my father had thought me but mostly I kept it to the basics.

almost an hour later a whistle has heard and the men stood in the middle of the field waving us down.

"very well played to all of you" he started. He looked at his clapboard before turning to the 3 people who were trying out for chaser. "i'm sorry you three but sadly none of you made the team"

The 3 boys looked disappointed but quickly hid it by thanking the men for their invitation and walking off the field.

"now for you two" the men said turning to me and then girl. "I must say I am very impressed by both of you're skills even tho you are both quite young. I am pleased to say that one of you did make the team"

My heart fasted and the girl next to me stood a little straighter.

"first of all miss Warhearth I wanne say that you're stunts and tricks were very impressive and I was quite suprised by you're talent"

The girl smiled and then the men turned to me "as for you mister Wood, you didn't let a single quaffle trough the hoops which is better then I have ever seen therefore, congratisonlations you made it to the team"

My face immidatly burst into a smile, I turned to the girl who was smiling at me "congrats" she said before walking back to the lockers. I hear a door of the stands slam open and y/n ran on the field. Before I could say somthing she jumped into my arms "I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I FUCKING BLOODY TOLD YOU I- AHHHHHH CONGRATS" she screamed before turning to the men "uh- sorry" she apologiesed straighing her shirt with her hands. The men laughed and shook his head "ah no problem, I get it happy for you're boyfriend"

she smiled and gave me a small hug. "Oliver you have no idea what you started, I will become a crazy fan now" she said laughing.

"do you play" then men said.

"yea I do"

"don't go stealing my position now alright?" I said laughing. Y/n gave me a light shove "you know I won't"

I thanked the men who now intruducted himself as Alec. He gave me a letter which he said I should read at home which includes the training times and the first match. I was nervous but I thanked Alec again and then togheter with y/n I walked to the locker room.

Y/n's POV

I waited about 10 minutes outside of the locker room before Oliver walked out, his hair was wet and was sticking to his forehead. He smelled like hazelnut and coconut which made me smile. "c'mon" he said trowing his hand over my shoulder and walking towards the exit.

We appearted to our appartment. As soon as we stepped in Oliver gave me a kiss. "you know I made the team, does this mean I get to decide what we eat" he said smirking.

"sure' I said giving him another soft kiss. "hmm, let met think how about, pizza's" he said hopefully. I laughed "whatever you want Oliver, whatever you want"

I ordered 2 pizza's and then walked back into the living room. I placed myself next to Oliver with my legs in his lap. "come here" he said placing his hands on my waist and lifting me in his lap. I smiled and gave him a soft kiss on his lips. As I wanted to pull away  Oilver pulled his body closer to mine not letting me close the gap. I smiled which he took as a apportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance which he easily won. His hands rested on my back and mine on his shoulder. I pulled away slowly giving him a few soft kisses on his neck.  He let out a silent groan.      

just as I was about to continue kissing him the doorbell rang. "that's suprisingly fast" I laughed before getting off the couch and opening the door.

"hey sis" I was greeted by Adrien and Cassy who were both smiling. "uh- hey what are you doing here"

Adrien raised a eyebrow "visiting" he said before grabbing Cassy's hand and walking in.

"y/n what's taking so long is there a pr- oh hello" I heard Oliver let out a awkward laugh followed by another hello to Cassy. I rushed to the living room. "so- what brings you two here" I said sitting on the couch. "you know we were just in London and Adrien had the idea to come visit you so here we are"

Adrien was looking around "nice place"

I smiled "so where do you 2 live"

"oh it's this lovely place it is sort of like a beach house, very peachfull" Cassy anwered.  I raised a eyebrow. "Cassy, you are somthing else"  I laughed.

she looked at me confused "asked me 1 year ago where Adrien whould have lived a beach house would be the last thing to anwer"

"oh please sis if I asked you were you would have lived a few years ago or with who you woudn't have said Wood for a million galeons"

I turned my head to Adrien to give him a death glare. Cassy shoved him lighly giving him the same look. "what ? it's true ain't it" he said supprised.

I rolled my eyes. I looked at Oliver who was staring at me with a annoyed look. 'sorry' I mouthed.


sorry for the long wait I just, I have 000 clue on what to write next like as for an ending so if you have any ideas lemme know.



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