-confession and breaking up-

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Y/n's POV

I was rudely woken up by Hermione saying I needed to get ready because breakfast was starting soon. "c'mon we have history of magic and herbology exams today, get you're ass up" she said. I groaned and got out my clothes, a white button up and a black skirt. After that I pulled on my Gryffindor robe and walked into the common room, suprisingly nobody was there so I continued walking towards the great hall.

On my way there I heard a few Ravenclaw girls talking "the party was so cool, and oh my goodness Dina he was such a good kisser"

I chuckeld and contiued walking, every student knew about the party that was held each year for the 7th years.

I sat down at the table, soon Fred and George sat down in front of me both of them were not looking at me and not saying a thing. "what? so drunk you got your'e tongue last night" I laughed and placed some food on my plate.

"Y/n- uh-" Fred began but looked at the table again.

"what Fred? what is it, let me guess you said somthing stupid to Mione, but that can't be cause this morning she looked fine and didn't say a thing so what did you do-"

"he didn't do anything" George said.

"alright, that why are you acting like this"

the doors of the great hall went open and Oliver walked. "good" I wispered "Oliver, come here for a second please" he looked at me in horor and then at the twins. I stood up causing him to turn around and run out of the great hall.

I sprinted after him "Oliver, what is it- why is everybody acting like this what-"

"I kissed someone"

my stomach dropped.

"w-what?" I already fellt tears comming in my eyes.

"at the party"

"y-you kissed someone?" I asked suprised. He didn't anwer me but looked at the ground. I gasped and turned around not bothering to look at him. "NO Y/N PLEASE, WAIT LET ME EXPLAIN" He ran after me and stopped in front of me.

"no Oliver, you don't get to explain, you kissed someone, and don't come with bulllshit about that you were drunk or somthing, you know you can't think straight when you are drunk yet you go to a party get drunk and kiss someone. EVERY time it is you, YOU broke up with me in 4th year, YOU puched me away, YOU are the one that can't think clear. YOU have never bothered to do anything for me spontaniously we Always have to fight first in order for you to do somthing for we WE ARE DONE"

for once I held in the tears in and walked away, I needed to go to Adrien, or Markus, or someone.

I ran to the dungeons, Markus was just leaving with Terance and Miles. When he saw me he gave me a confused look, I didn't say anything I just hugged him and cried. "y/n, talk to us, what happnend" he said worried.

"he- he c-cheated"

Markus's face went from understanding to suprised to angry. "he did what?!" he took my hand and walked me into the boys dorms. "take a shower, my sweaters are there. Il tell the teachers you're sick" he said angry. "now were the fuck is he"

"I-I don't know" I sniffed.

he didn't say anything else he just walked out of the room. That was the point I broke, tears filled my eyes again and this time I didn't fight them, I cried for hours, in the shower, on Markus's sweater, in bed.

After about 3 hours Adrien came in. He rushed to my bed and gave me a hug. "shh- don't cry he isn't worth it"

"I-it was at the party-he kissed some gi-girl while he was drunk" I managed to say.

"y/n, even if he was drunker then dad used to be he should not have cheated"

I nodded slowly and leaned in to hug him again. "Markus's is furious, it took him the twins, me, draco and Hermione's speech not to kill Oliver"

I laughed a bit. "I wanne talk to Markus"

the minute I said that the door burst open. "I'm here" Markus said. I laughed "were you lissening"

"uh- maybe"

I laughed and he walked over to the bed. He looked at my clothes. "i"m happy you lissened" he said motioning for his sweater. I sighed "Oliver's are better"

he let out a big sigh. "y/n, don't get me wrong but you have to see that he is bad for you, remember the time he made you cry in 4th year or when he only took you on a date when you asked him too, c'mon y/n it's toxic"

"but I-" I stopped talking and Markus understood what I was going to say.

"you love him" he wispered.

Again my tears began to leave my eyes. Markus pulled me closer and placed my head in his chest. We sat there for merlin knows how long. After a while I fell asleep. I was barley sleeping but i was still happy that I could feel Markus's chest, he wasn't leaving.

Oliver's POV

To say I didn't sleep was a understatment, I was a hundered procent sure that at any moment, Adrien and Markus whould storm into my room and try to kill me.

God Markus was angry, the twins shut me out of their room so I was sleeping on the couch in the common room. Y/n didn't come to her room that night I guessed she stayed with Markus. The though made me sick, the idea that he got to hold her and tell her what kind of dick I am, the fact that she whould find comfort in him and be in their room.

The next mornig I was woken up by Hermione walking in the common room and trowing me some clean clothes. "go you have exams" she said coldly. "Hermione wait" I strumbeld up and followed her out "Hermione"

The girl stopped. "what Oliver"

"please, y/n is not going to talk to me let me explain it to you"

she sighed "fine but make it quick I want to study a bit last minute"

"I- I was drunk, very drunk and I know- I know I shoudn't have joined that stupid came of 7 minutes in heaven but I wasn't thinking clearly I love y/n, I really do she is the best thing that ever happend to me, I am begging you Hermione tell her that"

I though about going on my knees to litraly beg for the girl to tell y/n I love her but Hermione nodded slowly "fine, Oliver but I swear she will not forgive you easy this time"



*sighs and counts to ten*

I am in love with the friendship between y/n and Markus, any ideas on what to happend next???

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