-Funfair and rain-

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Y/n's POV

The next day I woke up at the smell of burnt toast and silent cursing. I chuckeld and walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen. I tried to contain my laughter at the sight in front of me. Oliver was standing in the kitchen before the oven, on a small plate was a almost black toast in a hearthshape. He was trying to figure out how to get the juice out of the orange. I let out a chuckel and he shot his head in my direction. "no no no, you are suppost to be sleeping and then I was suppost to give you breakfast like in the changing photog- movie" he let out a defeated sign. "for god sake"

'do you need help" I asked giving him a kiss on his cheek. He nodded. I thew the burnt toast in the trashcan. "hey that was good toast" he said sarcasticly.

"no it wasn't" I said laughing making a new toast and cutting the orange open and putting it into the machine.

After ten minutes I had a breakfast for 2. "you're bloody amazing" He wispered giving me a kiss. I smiled and we silently ate our food.

"so- what are you're plans then" I asked getting up and placing my plate in the kitchen

"I was thinking about contacting some quiddich teams who are looking for keepers" he said. I smiled and nodded "what about you?"

"well after my last year I'm thinking about doing that to but if that doesn't work out I will probably go train to become a auror"

he nodded, then silence fell again.


"Oliver" we talked at the same time. causing us both to laugh a little. "you go first" I said.

"I- I uhmm- can I take you on a date"

I smiled "of course"

"but- the muggle way" he said hopefully

I nodded "sure whatever you like"

"good, be ready tonight"

"tonight?" I asked suprised. "if that is okay" he said softly. I told him it was fine. "what should I wear then"

"just cassual, nothing too fancy I know exacly were to take you" he said exsited. I stood up and walked to my room. minutes later I came out in my muggle clothes I took my bag and my keys for the appartment, said goodbye to Oliver telling him I was going to buy some food supplies and shut the door behind me.

I walked out of the building towards the nearest local suppermarket. I had been there once with Hermione so I hoped I remembered how to act like a normal muggle, shoudn't be so hard right?

I walked into the shop, I grabbed a basket and began putting in some fruits. next stop was meat I didn't know what Oliver wannted to eat so I decieded to buy meat later on. I bought some bread for breakfast and some other stuff. At the casch regrister I placed all my stuff on the assembly line which still amazed me.

I reached into my pocked at gave the lady behind the counter the monny that she asked for.

"have a nice day ma'am" she said kindly. I gave her a smile and picked up all my stuff, placed it back into the a bag I brought with me and walked home.

As I walked into the appartment Oliver was sitting in the living room staring at the TV. he managed to get it on and was watching the news. I laughed and placed all the food where they belonged.

I then sat down next to Oliver on the couch "fasinated isn't it" his eyes not leaving the screen. "yea. by the way you have to give me a hint on what we are going to do tonight and I need to know what to wear.

"no, I will not tell you" he said "just wear somthing nice, nothing too fancy but not too sloppy"

I groaned "fine"

The rest of the day went by quick. It was almost 5PM so I walked into the bedroom locking the door behind me. I walked to my closet and looked at my clothes for a good 5 minutes before grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark red t-shirt which I tucked in.

I sprayed on some parfum and finished my look with a bit of make-up before walking out. Oliver's lips formed a smile the second he saw me "You look amazing" he wispered under his breath but loud enough for me to hear.

He was wearing light blue jeans and a black T-shirt which suited him well. "can say the same about you" I said with a wink which made the both of us laugh.

"c'mon" he said taking my hand and walking out of the appartment. Londen was absolutly beautiful the sun was slowly setting and you could hear the people talking softly.

Oliver and I walked for a few minutes before he took a sharp turn to the left and there is was, the biggest fernnis weel I had ever saw. Around it a few other tents like a shooting tent or were you could try to get a rubber duck. Food stralls and so much more. I looked at Oliver to find him already looking at me "do you like it" he asked. I was suprised that the smile on my face didn't anwser his question already but I jumped into his arms and practicly screamed yes. "I Always wannted to go to a funfair" I said exsited. I took his hand and rushed to the Ferinis weel. Oliver laughed as I asked for 2 tickets like a little kid. As we entered the Ferniss weel I saw Oliver looking over the edge and then up. "not scared of hights are you"

"please I play quiddich as if i'm afraid, I just don't trust this thing- bloody hell" the last words came out of his mouth as the weel began to go up. Oliver tried his best to let it show he wasn't having fun but he failed terribly which caused me to laugh even more. "it's not bloody funny we could falll to death any moment"

I rolled my eyes and looked at the city. The sun was completly gone, you could look over the Streets and the beautiful appartments with some lights on. I smiled and rested my head against his shoulder. "beautiful ain't it?" I said. "very beautiful" he said a bit sarcasticly. I looked up to find him staring at me instead of the view. I rolled my eyes before giving him a soft kiss on his mouth. "god I love you" he wispered.


after the ferniss weel we did every activity that you could find. I beated Oliver and the shooting range but he caught the bloody rubber duck first. There even was a little chinima with a short movie but it was too crowded so we made the desicion to skip that.

We were walking back to our appartment when it suddenly began raining. We began running faster to our appartment but by the time we were there we were both absolutly soking wet. Oliver and I laughed as he entered the elevator dripping wet and all. "god i'm freezing" I said clapping my hands over my own waist. "bodywarmth is the best warmth there is" Oliver said before trowing me over his shoulder and walking out of the elavator. "Oliver put me down- AHHH" his hands were clapped around my legs and my head was on his back. "bloody hell Oliver PUT ME DOWN"

he laughed as he opened the door to our appartment. He sat me down in the bathroom and turned the shower on "there you go"

I smirked and before he could do anything about it I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the shower clothes and all.


sorry for the fucked up end of this chapter

and I know I know LOTS OF FLUFF.

put il think I write another smut chapter after his ( no promises tho)


ALSO thank you for 5K

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