-Appartment and a moving phototpraph-

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TW sexual contant ahead. (i'm so sorry) I hate myself for writing this I cringe sooo hard

Y/n's POV
Oliver and I wasted no time to get away from king cross station, Oliver took my hand and rushed trough Londen. After half an hour of walking Oliver stopped infront of a beautiful appartment. He smiled and walked in. At the desk he asked for 2 keys, the lady kindly gave him 2 gold keys. Oliver thanked the women and then rushed to the elevator. "you're excited " I laughed. he shoot me a charming smile before grabbing my hand again and pressing the 4th button of the elavator.


Oliver opened the door and pulled pulled our luggage behind us. I looked around, the small hallway showed the living room. I opened the door in the little hallway to show a bedroom, a large bed on the left side of the room and on the right side a big closet with a mirror. I smiled and walked out of the room again, closing the door behind me.

Oliver was standing in the kitchen, it had nice black counters, a white oven and fridge and a sink who was black as well. I smiled "Planning on making muggel meals" I said standing next to him. "maybe" he said running his hands over the counters. "we should unpack"

I nodded in agreedment.

after 3 hours of unpacking our stuff the muggle way I collapsed on the couch in the living room. Oliver sat down next to me with a big sight. "god i'm tired"

I stood up "i'm hungry"

I grabbed a muggle device called a cellphone and called the local pizzaria. With some struggels I ordered 2 pizza's, they would be ready in 15 minutes. I sat back down and Oliver looked at me confused "what's a pizza"

My jaw dropped "oh Merlin, have you never had a pizza" he shook his head no. "oh my god Oliver that's it i'm breaking up with you how could you, never a pizza you are missing somthing" I said sarcasticly. He looked at me nervous. "i'm kidding" I laughed and gave him a soft peck on his cheek.

I pulled out 2 plates from the cupbord and placed them on the litttle wooden table infront of the TV. Oliver was holding the remote pressing all sorts of buttons trying to get it on. I laughed and grabbed it from him, I pressed the red botton causing the TV to go. Oliver let out a gasp. "It's like a constently changing photo" he said amazed.

The doorbell rang, I opened up gave the man some muggle money and took the pizza's from him. "DINNER" I screamed in a singing tone. I placed the 2 boxes on the table and opened them. Oliver started and the pizza's and then at me. he carefully grabbed a slice and placed it on his plate. he took a bite and his eyes went wide. "bloody hell this is good"

I laughed and grabbed piece myself. "told ya"

he gave me a charming smile but it quickly faded away. "can I ask you somthing" he said in a serious tone. I nodded and took another bite.

"what are we"

I took a moment to think "what do you want us to be"

he gullped "I made a promise I would do anything to keep you safe"

I nodded slowly "so if you feel safe and happy to be with me again then I would very much like that"

I smiled and placed my plate on the table. I jumped into his arms to gave him a kiss "I would be very safe with you Oliver Wood"

I felt him smile agaist my neck, he planted a soft kiss on my neck and then another on my lips. "can we watch another changing photograph" I laughed "movie, and yes"

As I was about to hit the play button when Oliver spoke again. "you're a pureblood how come you know about these muggle things"

"Hermione taught me" I answerd hitting the playbutton.

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