-downing and screaming-

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god i don't want to spoiler but if you can't handle the mention of trying to kill yourself please skip this chapter I willl give a small summery of what happend as soon as possible.

Y/n's POV
I could barley focus durning my exams but I managed. As soon as the professor flicked her wand that made our test papers go away I stood up and walked out of the great hall. Markus was waiting for me. "hey" I said. he pulled me closer and gave me a hug.

I smiled "how did you're exams go"

he gulped. "if I don't get a B for history of magic I probably need to redo my 7th year"

I gasped "well what are you doing here, you need to study"

he sighed "but what abo-"

"NO Markus, you need to study, il help you" I grabed his hand and rushed him to the library. When we walked in Hermione was sitting at one of the big tables. As soon as she saw me she stood up and asked me if we could talk. I told markus il be with him in a minute and followed Hermione.

Hermione took me to the left side of the library. "Oliver talked to me" she said softly. I sighed and turned to walk back to Markus but she placed her hand on my shoulder. "y/n it was a game, when he was drunk he joined a game of 7 minutes in heaven he didn't mean to"

"so a kiss is a fucking kiss, he could have talked in the bloody closet"

I removed her hand from my shoulder and sat down next to Markus with a big sigh. "Oliver trouble?" he said. I groaned "don't even start"

for the next few hours I helped Markus take notes and asked him some questions which he, with some trouble anwered correctly.

"c'mon let's go eat" Markus said while getting up. I sighed knowing that I would have to sit at the Gryffindor table.

"you can sit with us" Markus said as if he could read my mind.

I gave him a smile "I'd like that"

We walked trough the great hall and sat down at the Slytherin table. Adrien gave me a side hug and wispered in my ear. "have you heard the good news, good old dad is rotting in Azkaban"

I gasped "really?"

"yeah mom did a report, he almost killed her turns out he killed some inocent muggels too"

My jaw dropped "how did you know"

he held up a letter. I smiled "that's good"

suddenly I was picked up by the twins "There she is our favourti SINGLE beautiful and smart y/n"

I laughed "alright alright, enough you too but me down" I laughed and gave them a hug. As I hugged George he wispered in my ear "Oliver is no longer welcome in our room, he slept on the couch last night"

I chuckeld "don't, he did nothing to you"

"but he hurt you" Fred said crossing his arms.

"oh- I forgot to ask hows the shop"

the twins grinned at eachother. "very good, we're opening this weekend, you should be there"

I smiled "I will"

After Dinner Markus and Adrien walked me to my common room. "You guys, I don't need bodyguards you know that right?"

"oh you do- now that the twins made sure that people know you're single guys are looking at you like you're food" Adrien said angry

I laughed. "oh stop it, by the way in 3 days the exams are over, be sure you're there at the quiddich match"

they nodded "woudn't want to miss it for the world"

I waved them goodbye and walked into the common room.

to my bad luck Oliver was sitting there. "y/n" he said and he stood up. I shook my head no and I continued walking but he blocked my path "Oliver get out of the way"

"no, please it was a game, I love you I-"

"STOP IT" I screamed. "yes Hermione told me it was a game, but did it ever came into that stupid mind of yours that you could have talked to her in that bloody closet and not fucking make out with her"

I shoved past him and walked into my room, making sure I locked the room behind me. After that I collapsed, I screamed, and cried. I wasn't even laying on my bed, just on the floor I was to exhausted to get up. I hit the floor with my fist and cried. I loved him I really did but I coudn't just forgive him, not again.

After god knows how long Hermione walked into the room. She gasped at the sight of me. "oh god y/n what happend" she said and rushed to sit next to me. "I- Oliver- he- he talked to me- and I-" I began crying again. "oh my god what happend to you're hand" she took my hand in hers and I hissed from the pain. I looked at it. most of my knuckels were bleeding. I sighed "il go to the Hospital see if madam Pompfry can fix it"

she looked at me in a look of worry "il be fine" I said fast.

she slowly nodded "just- tell me if I can help, okay?" I nodded and gave her a weak smile. As I walked to the Hospital I saw Cassy. "oh y/n what happend"

"hit the floor" I said not looking at her.

"Is somthing wrong?"

"Oliver and I broke up" I said simply.

she started at me in shock. "oh- i'm sorry to hear that are you oke-

"I'm fine" I cut her of. I took a deep breath "sorry Cassy, I don't mean to be rude, it's just that I can't focus and I'm rude to everywon I didn't mean to sound so harsh i'm sorry"

she nodded and gave me a hug "I get it"

I smiled "how are you and Adrien by the way"

at the mention of my brother she smiled.

"oh Y/n he is amazing, I know you don't want to hear it because he is you're brother but god I am happy, you know yesterday by accident he mentioned living togheter and I want to but I don't know how to ask him and I-"

she noticed I was looking down. "sorry" she mumbeled.

"it's fine" I said and walked into the hospital wing "il see you later Cassy" she nodded and walked off.

"oh dear what happend" a nurse said immidiatly grabbing my hand and cleaning all the blood away.

"I hit the floor" I mumbeld just loud enough to hear. "god you must have hit it pretty hard then, you're pinky is broken"

I groaned "can I still play quiddich tho"

she nodded "just tape it in and wear gloves"

I nodded.

suddenly Fred and George walked in they were carring Oliver, his eyes were closed. George and Fred screamed for help. "DEAR WHAT HAPPEND" Madam Pomfrey screamed. "he tried to drown himself" George said.

Oliver was placed on the bed and I felt myself lower to the ground. I tasted tears and 2 pair of hands lift me up, I rememer screaming and crying and Geoge's face close to mine telling me to calm down. But how could I, he tried to kill himself.


that's what I feel




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