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There was nothing like an Eseterrian's tea party. Now that Emilee officially had friends, all her circle had been invited, as well as the other Eseterrians. Merari hadn't been invited, but Arcane had suggested she came anyway. Merari hadn't hesitated. The food was bound to be good.

Kaya, Arcane and Merari ended up huddled together in one corner. Emilee was busy trying to talk to everyone, Lavia and her twin by her side. This was actually their first time meeting Elanora since they'd decided not to make it obvious they'd had a quarrel and instead pretend they'd just been waiting for the tea party. Yeah, Merari didn't quite get it.

'So you're Toutelé's Eseterrian?' checked Arcane.

'Yeah. I probably shouldn't say this but I'd never have guessed an Eseterrian could be such a... you know... pompous ass,' Kaya groaned.

'Tell me about it,' grumbled Merari.


'Oh, Medea's been complaining about the spirits to us. I love her but that girl needs to stop ranting,' said Arcane.

Merari hid her relief by teasing her best friend. 'Oh, as if you don't complain about the Chèr.'

'I can't eat anything all day because of him. Speaking of which, I need to go into isolation in ten minutes.' Arcane aggressively sipped tea.

'What if I just come along and tell you stories for nine hours?' suggested Merari.

Arcane glared at her. 'Are you trying to make me go insane? I think that's even worse than isolation.'

Merari frowned. Arcane added salt to the wound by stealing a piece of Merari's sandwich. 'Hey! You're not meant to be eating!'

Arcane shrugged nonchalantly. 'The Chèr isn't here to see.'

The girls chatted for a while longer until the Chèr showed up. 'Arcane, it's time to go. Kaya, go to the entrance hall. A man is waiting there to train you in combat for your self-defence course.'

Kaya's eyes lit up and she actually hugged the Chèr. Her ears perked up like a cat's.

'Well, I guess you're going to abandon me.' Merari fake wiped a tear from her eyes, although she genuinely felt disappointed.

'Duty calls,' said Arcane.

The girls and the Chèr vanished, leaving Merari alone. She sighed. She should be one of them, experiencing their madness, but Sorita wished otherwise. Then again, sword fighting sounded like work.

Merari left the tea party. She didn't exactly fancy awkwardly standing around for the rest of her time. Lavia and Elanora both gave her the creeps, they kept fishing for compliments, although Lavia was sickly sweet whereas Ela was sour.

With no clue where she was going, Merari strolled through the palace. She had nothing planned that day and all her interesting siblings were busy. In fact, Cleo was at the guard tryouts.

She smiled at the idea of visiting him. She couldn't help but be excited by the idea of watching more of the guard tryouts. Not that there was more to watch. They had reached the point where it was down to Medea to test whether people were trustworthy or not. Still, there was bound to be someone milling around.

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