Virgil shifted slightly, a frown falling to place on his face.

"What's he sad about?" Roman shifted slightly.
"Just a general sad, you know? I know I can't really do much, but he's been drawing away a little lately, and he's just been... stiff, I guess."

"I honestly shouldn't be talking about it." said Roman with an air of finality. "He doesn't like it when people worry about him."
"Bullshit. Of course we'd worry about him." said Virgil quietly.

The sounds from the movie filtered through the silence, and neither of them contributed any further discussion to the topic.

"I bring snacks!" Patton sang quietly as he wedged a fuzzy-toed foot in between the door and the frame. He nudged it open and drifted in, holding bags of gummies, sour candy and marshmallows in his arms. "And by the way, you should invite Logan, Virge! I'm pretty sure debate finishes soon, and we could have a movie night!" he dumped the bags on the bed.

Roman made an appreciative noise, repositioning so his boyfriend could resume his previous position against the wall. Virgil smiled as Patton tossed him a pack of sour patch kids, and tore open his own bag of marshmallows. The rest of the sugar lay in a pile between them, the candies calling to Virgil's nervous eating tendencies.

Patton didn't look like he was doing bad, if fact he seemed better than before than anything. It concerned Virgil to think about whether he would have known if Roman hadn't said anything. Sure Patton didn't want him to know, but that was silly. It wasn't like he was going to make fun of him or anything, and they all knew he was in here for depression, so he may as well be open about it.

Since when did you think so rationally?

Shut up.

The point was Patton was sad. And Virgil, for all of his overthinking capabilities and healthy coping mechanisms pushed by foster parents didn't have a clue on what to do.

"Ahhhh her costume is so cool!" Patton whisper-gushed.
"I know, right!" said Roman empathetically. "I would look great in that."

Virgil snickered.

"Dream on, Princey." Roman leaned up, glaring at Virgil half-heartedly.
"Are you saying I couldn't?" he said with a note of challenge in his voice.
"Nooo," said Virgil sarcastically, popping another sour patch kid in his mouth. "Of course not."
"Why you-"

Patton giggled behind them, and Virgil watched as Roman's lips quirked upward slightly. It made him wonder if Roman was happy too. A bit of a childish way to (think?) word it, but he did seem to be flightier recently, which was saying something. And every time he acted up, Patton laughed. He did it mainly when Patton was around...

But that was silly. He spent most of his time with Patton anyway. Virgil was just over analyzing everything as usual.

It was fine. They'd be fine.

Virgil glanced over at the other two once more, watching as Patton rested his head in Roman's hair. Roman's grip on Patton's forearm tightened in response, and he hummed happily, placing another gummy worm in his mouth.

God he wanted that.


Virgil shook his head, as if he were trying to clear it of the thoughts. In an attempt to ignore the blush rising in his cheeks, he glanced down at his phone. It was nearly five o'clock, debate club should be finishing soon.

Virgil : Hey

Virgil : I know ur probably doing something right now

Virgil : And hardly check ur phone

Virgil : But we r in pats dorm watching a movie

Virgil : Come join us when ur done, ok

As expected, there is no reply.

Logan didn't have notifications on for the longest time, until Roman had finally roped him into it. Even though the boy kept his phone in his pocket, his focus wasn't easily shaken. A simple vibration wasn't enough to draw his attention to a message, and although it would be funny, it wasn't like they could set a noise as a notification in class.

Virgil placed his phone back in his pocket, toed his shoes off and drew his legs into his chest. Roman punted a maroon comforter in his direction with his foot, glancing at the other boy. Virgil accepted it gratefully, pulling the material over his legs and leaning backward onto one of the many pillows Patton had scattered on his bed.

The movie flashed on as the sky outside got darker, and cold started to seep into the room. Virgil shivered minutely, and curled in on himself. He didn't even notice the cold, his eyes transfixed on the small screen.

Just as Virgil noticed the chill on his fingers, the door creaked open gently, revealing a bundled up Logan.

He was wearing black woolen pants, a long sleeved white shirt with a tan sweater vest on top, and his usual navy peacoat. And perched on top of his head was the bane of Virgil's existence; the flower crown.

"Hiya, Logan!" said Patton quietly, not wanting to disturb the atmosphere too much. "Come in!"

Logan smiled, and entered the room fully. His expression soured slightly as he surveyed the state of the other three. He walked up to Virgil, who had a gummy worm in his mouth, and took his hand.

Roman cooed, and Patton gasped quietly, watching like the traitors they were as Virgil's cheekbones went slightly pink. Logan's frown deepened.

"All of you are freezing," he said, reprimanding. "Would you like me to turn on the heater?" It was then that Virgil noticed his knuckles had gone red with cold.

"Yes please!" said Patton sheepishly. "It's in the corner."
"We have the same dorm room, Patton." said Logan quietly, walking over and turning it on. The heater crackled slightly as it heated up, and soon enough a slightly copperish smell filled the room.

"I'm glad you liked the gift," said Patton pulling his arms around Roman tighter. "It was honestly just a joke." Logan smiled, and Virgil could see a small blush in the darkness.
"It's pretty." he said simply.

Virgil shifted over as he made his way to the bed. He tugged off his coat, sat up next to Virgil, and draped it over the two of them. He was close enough so Virgil could hear his breathing over the breathy sound from the laptop speakers. Virgil handed him a packet of chocolate kisses and he whispered a small thanks as he popped them open. Logan wasn't a big fan of sweetness in general, but somehow he still liked chocolate.

Virgil leaned back onto Logan on instinct, and felt something warm rise in his chest as the other boy didn't pull away. Boundaries were kind of strange when it came to them. They cuddle often enough for it not to be irregular, but it wasn't like they displayed affection in public. That combined with Logan's aceness and desire for control, him letting Virgil do half-hearted things like lean on his shoulder and brush arms without making him uncomfortable was sparse.

Either way it was happening, and Virgil was going to enjoy the heck out of it while it lasted.

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