risotto snorts cocaine for the kids

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it was 6am that very night, and risotto was in his room as usual. but this time, he had recently bought some new drugs in order to fit in with the kids in his local alleyway and park, so he unzipped the bag and got to it.

hhe had some trouble opening the rest of the bagm so he resorted to violence. because violence is always the correct answer because of steve harvey the man himself in all of his gloryness ascended from the sky and taught risotto as a child that snorting cocaine was the way of gods holiness and the way to not go to hell even when your an assassain.

he thanked steve harvey and kissed his lucious mustache and gathered all the particles of the wonderful magic white powder dust and lined it up on a table with a razor blade he made out of his fucking pillowcase. "time to feel good" he said with childlike joyness in his soulless black dead eyes.

leaning down he whispered the magical words of thankfulness and began snorting.

leaning down he whispered the magical words of thankfulness and began snorting

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