fugo is a murderer

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it was a bright day outside at approximately 12:39am as fugo remembered when hehad last checked hi wristwwatch which was a rolex for all the fake ass haters out there who thought it was a fake brand of rolex, it isn't.

"oh boy, 12:40.time to find a fork and stab an unassuming victim." he said with excitement that had been clearly laced within his voice, he just sounded miserable so do not worry pls. he started his walk down the road, fork in hand as large crowds of people seemed to avoud himat high speeds as to make sure they weren't the enxt victims of his cruel and ruthless stabiings.

however, one young and unintelligent soul hadnt watched the news arecently that had been circling around a mass murderer who had apparently killed his targets with only a simple metal fork, many couldnt explain how and those who have escaped his wrath have explained it as 'worse than the devil himsmelf' 

anyway, the little boy walked right up to fugo and had asked him for food, asssuming that as he had a fork in his hand and it coud only be possible that the man in front of him was completely harmless and not armed at all with  weapon that could literally stab through anyone with enough force if completely necessary.

without saying a word he stabbed the boy with enohgh precision that have nev er been able to be conducted like the speed of usain bolt but much more faster and stronger, as they pierced right through the boys left articular chekbone. yes. bone.

100 people died that day

stories i made at 4amDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora