fuck love mista

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"And then I said, Ma'am, I don't work." The entire club burst into tears and laughter from mistas story, they couldnt get enough, they didnt get enough, and it was secretly driving him up the wall insane. so one day he conducted a plan as to how he'd get rid of the entire audience during his next netflix special, "i'll just release a poisonous gas and in no time they'll all be dead." he exclaimed to himself with pure joy in his eyes.

the next 56758493 minutes he dressed in clear clothing and walked onto stage, almost immediately a laugh track played, he was having none of it so he shut that shit down real quick by blowing a hole in one of the audience members third arm.

getting home he went inside and asked his dear husband polnareff if he fucking washed the dishes yet. he didn't, that fucking ungrateful son of a bitch forgot to and was shamelessly having sex with the neighbours step-father.

crumbling to tears and sobbing ugily he ran out the house with polnareff wheeling after him in his brand new honda civic, he ran over mista on accident while seeing giorno in the background kicking in a hunched over diavolos side.

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