Chapter 15: Darnell

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(A/N. What are your predictions for this season? Also. Cam is not going to be a good person in the fic. At all. Abuse trigger warning ahead.)

"This is him?" I asked shakily.

"I promise," Corey told me.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my figure and I held onto him tightly. I finally found him. My real twin brother.

"Its nice to meet you darnell," I whispered into the taller boys chest.

"You to, Jade."

"He knows about your situation," corey told me.

"I'm prego. It's easier to just say it," I said making darnell smirk.

"Yep, shes got my bluntness. Classic Hayes trait," he said making me smile.

We have a similarity.

"When are we telling Spencer. No offence darnell, but I mean I dont feel comfortable keeping this a secret. I mean Spencer is my brother to, even if it isnt bio," I told corey.

"I'll tell him soon. First, I'll let you two get to know eachother. Its seventeen years overdue."

He left the room leaving me with your twin.

"So, who's the dad?" He asked me,"is he planning on helping with the pregnancy."

"Hes dead. He would have if he was alive."

"How you know?" He asked me.

"Before he died he was raising another daughter. He wasnt a good person, but he was good with children. And he treated me well," I said with a small smile.

We might not have been the most healthy, but he never hit me. He tried to make me happy. Always asked for consent. Made me breakfast in the mornings. Shawn did love me, and I know hed love this baby.

"What position you play?" I asked darnell.

"QB1," he said with a cocky smirk.

"Oh, so your like my friend Jordan. You play QB1 for the girls," I said and he let out a laugh.

"I definitely ain't complaining about the girls," he told me.

Me and him talked for a few hours until we could barely keep our eyes open. Both of us were just happy to no longer be separated.

"You do need to know one more thing about me," I said half asleep.


"I'm bipolar."


We were do tired that that was the reaction. Cool with a little laugh. At least he wasnt scared of me or my illness. It was refreshing.

I woke the next morning and got ready for school. I'm still going to be Beverly and I texted Jordan to come and pick me up.

Me and him drove to Beverly singing at the top of our lungs. I'd eventually have to tell him but I'm not sure how to do it. Part of me wat hoping JJ would tell him. Only JJ will tell him the untrue version.

I walked in and went to my locker, disappointment washed over me when I realized JJ wasnt waiting for me anymore. On my way to class I ran into Jordan who was not happy to see me. I guess he did talk to JJ.

"We have been friends long enough for me to know youd never cheat on anyone. The baby is Shawn's," he said leaving me speechless.

"He doesnt deserve to have to deal with this. Not when it's not his kid. And not when I have to come off my meds," i told him.

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