Chapter 9: Bipolar

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(A/N. What are yalls thoughts on jade?)


I received a call from Spencer around eleven at night. I figured it was about jade since today was Shawn's funeral. I hate this for her. Shes an amazing person and doesnt deserve to loose someone.

Especially with her condition.

"What's up?" I asked into the phone.

"Come to the hospital. Jade may die," he said sounding panicky.

"What. Why?" I asked jumping up to put on a shirt.

"She tried to kill herself. Her condition-"

"She has bipolar," I said running from my room.

"Her bipolar was worse then any of us thought. She was with jordan, he thinks she regretted it immediately, but it may be too late."

"I'm on my way," I said and started driving,"God, please let her be okay."

My heart was racing the entire way to the hospital. It was hard to drive since my hands were shaking. When I arrived I ran in to see both the baker twins, spencer, and Zan.

"Is she okay?" I demanded sitting down.

"Shes stable," liv told me.

"For now," Zan mumbled.

"What even is bipolar?" Jordan asked the group.

"Its when I person will going from a high mania. Partying, drinking, smoking, having sex, being reckless. Then they go to a low mania. Self harm, depression, weakness, drinking , and smoking. Suicide," Spencer explained.

"Wasnt she on meds?" Olivia asked us.

"They quit working," Zan mumbled,"she had been really depressed. Like barely getting out of bed only wanted booze depressed. Shawn thought he could help," Zan explained.

"Why did her meds quit working?" Liv asked us.

"Her disease is based on hormones. The doctors think that with the reaccuring tragedies that it messed up her levels where the meds quit working," Spencer explained.

"And I didnt help by letting her get drunk," I mumbled.

"JJ, you didnt know," spencer told me, but it didnt help.

I keep wondering if i hadn't given her so many drinks, or fed into her partying, or reached out for her to talk to me, we wouldn't be in this hospital room. This feels like my fault. Little did I know basically everyone in this room feels the same.

We stayed at the hospital all night but no one slept. She may be stable but that doesnt mean the stability will last. She lost a lot of blood and we will have to wait until morning to fully know if shes okay. If shes going to wake up.

Jordan's POV

I was the first one to go back when she woke up. She reqested it be me. I walked back and saw he with an iv and a hospital gown. It's hard to see someone else I love almost die.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered.

"I'm just glad your alive," I told her softly.

"I regretted it as soon as it happened. I thought it was too late. I didnt mean-" I cut her off by hugging her.

She cried into my sholder and held me close.

"I'm not mad at you Jade. I know about your condition, " I told her.

"You know I'm bipolar," she said sighed.

"No, I know you have bipolar. You arent your illness," I told her sternly.

She went silent. I could see in her eyes that she doesnt believe me. I look at her and see an amazing person and friend who happens to have bipolar. But what does she see about herself.

"I dont want to see anyone else," she told me softly.

"I'll let them know," I said getting up to leave.

"Dont leave!" She said quickly.

I nodded my head and sat next to her hospital bed. I texted the others that she was olay but didnt want to see anyone. She fell asleep about ten minutes later, obviously tired. A nurse came in and checked her vitals. I noticed a blonde figure in the window as she checked them.

"I'll be right back," I told the nurse.

She nodded her head and I walked out to see JJ staring at her sleeping figure.

"Shes pale. Like shes dead," JJ told me.

"She isnt. Shes okay, Jay," I said to him.

"I thought I lost her. Jordan I've known her for three months and i like her. Other girls arent entertaining anymore," he said, his eyes not wavering from her body.

"I dont know if she wants or needs a boyfriend right now. You know they're putting her in rehab right?" I informed him.

"Jade is a once in a lifetime girl. One I'm okay waiting for."

We went to the waiting room to see her mom had finally arrived. Dillion no where to be found. Apparently miss James didnt want him under this stress.

The doctor came out and explained her rehab plan. Its ten weeks. They are making sure she doesnt relapse into cutting. They are monitoring her suicidal thoughts. They are putting her on new meds that may have serious side effects. They are teaching her what to do if medication quits working. All I could think as the doctor is talking is, does JJ want to wait for a girl like Jade.

Dont get me wrong. I love her. Shes amazing. But JJ normally likes girls with less issues. It's not right but its JJ.

"What can we do?" JJ asked.

"I think this is more of a family issue," grace told JJ.

"Actually supports from friendships is sometimes the most vital part of recovery. Just come visit her and support her. This is a difficult illness to navigate."

He nodded his head and pulled out his phone. Me being nosy, I checked what he was looking at. He was looking up ways to help your friend cope with bipolar.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he thinks Jade is worth the issues, which she is. I just hope he stands by it. Her feelings jerk her around enough without the help of a boy.

Yo, please check out this story. My friend wrote it. It's a fiction story.

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