Chapter 2: new start

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(A/N. Question of the day, what are some things youd like to see throughout the story)

"Why you look like a stereotypical black girl?" Spencer asked once I walked out of my room.

"I've I'm being forced to go to a new school on a diversity program, Imma look the part," I said to my brother.

"This is why I'm moms favorite," Spencer said, but an amused smile played on his lips.

"No, I'm moms favorite," dillion said coming into the livingroom.

"Of course, little man," said bringing him into a side hug.

After we ate breakfast me and Spencer walked to the bus station. Three buses later we were standing infront of beverly.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked me.

I nodded my head. I dont like two things. Needles and change.

"Have you taken your meds?" He asked again.

"Dont worry. I'm not going on a bipolar frenzie on our first day," I reassured.

We walked in to the school and found the office. As we walked through the school see why they need a diversity program, and I definitely stuck out. We got our locker and schedule and we were sent off.

"Your new," a mixed boy, who had the locker next to me, said.

"I'm Jade," I introduced myself.

"I'm jordan."

"Pleasure," I told and faked a smile.

He grabbed my schedule and smiled,"we have first hour together. Let's go."

Me and him made our was to the biology room. Me and Spencer were in different classes for everything but english and history. Those are my only advanced classes.

"Alright. Since it's your first day I'll go easy on you. Take out your laptops and write a short essay on how a bird is able to fly," the teacher announced.

Everyone around me pulled put fancy laptops leaving me to be the odds one out. My mom cant afford to get me or Spencer a laptop.

"Jade, why dont you share," my bio teacher said.

Then everyone gave me terrified looks like I was going to shoot them. I rolled my eyes at them and it caused them to cowar more.

I wish i was in Crenshaw. Well maybe not, cause then I'd have to go to that school without Lamar. And i couldnt do that. His funeral was yesterday and everyone is acting like it didnt happen, so I'm trying to do the same.

"We can share," jordan said pulling me from my thoughts.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

"Dont let anyone get to you, their assholes," jordan told me, making me smile.

We both wrote the essay and turned them in. He then helped me find my other classes until it was time for lunch.

"Come on, my friends will love you," jordan said dragging me over to group of people,"guys this is Jade James."

"I'm asher," a boy spoke up,"this is Leila. My girlfriend."

I waved awkwardly, the other girls just glared at me harshly. Then a blonde hair boy with blue eyes stood to face me.

"I'm JJ. And your beautiful, " he said flirtatiously.

"Thanks," I said and giggled awkwardly.

"I'm gonna go find Spencer so he can meet the team," Jordan spoke up.

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