Chapter 4: Crash

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(A/N. How do you think Spencer will react to her and shawn dating?)

I was at the sports bar with the boys enjoying being with them. Me and Zan were celebrating winning our competition, each with fifty bucks to spend.

"My parents are out of town," Asher said to the group.

"This means an asher Adams party!" JJ said excited.

Asher didnt seem as excited as I did.

"I'm down to party," I agreed.

"I didn't know you were big on partying," leila noted.

"I am," I said smirking, a concerned look from my brother didnt go unnoticed.

Sure, I've had a bit more energy here recently, but I'm still taking the meds so I am fine.

"Asher doesnt look like he wants to party," Spencer noted.

"Please. Asher lives for these parties," leila told the group.

Once we all paid we all went our separate ways, well everyone but me JJ.

"Why does your brother act like your going to break all the time?" He asked me.

"He thinks it's his job as my older, overbearing brother," I told JJ.

"I think he should give you a break. You seem fine to me," he said and flung his arm over my sholders.

I put my head down to hide the blush.

"I need to be heading home. I'll see you at the party, JJ," I said and sent him a wink, a bit of confidence washing over me.

I made nt way to the bakers and beelined to my room. I braid my hair into two different french braid and did a full face of makeup. In my closet i put on a maroon cropped tube top and a pair of black denim shorts. I grabbed my black converse to match. I heard a knock and yelled come in.

"Your not wearing that," spencer said walking in my room.

"You arent my dad. In case you forgot, he left," I said applying one last level of lip gloss.

"One. Ouch. Two. I know he left, it's why it's my job to protect you," he told me.

"Its my life Spence. And right now I'm feeling on top of the world," I said with a smile.

"Are you taking your meds?"

"Yes. I'm fucking taking my meds. Why is it Anytime I'm fucking happy it has to be becuase I'm off of them!" I yelled and stormed past him.

"Jade. Stop, I'm sorry!" He yelled after me but I didnt stop.

Me and liv rode to the party together. Once we arrived she went to find Leila and I went to find drugs and alcohol.

"You look hot," JJ said and handed me a blunt.

"So do you," I said and took a hit.

I cant remember the last time I was this confident and happy. I am on a one way train that's only going up.

Me and JJ got high then went to play poker. I was good at poker, knowing when I had nothing and to fold. JJ, well he ended up naked. Which is super awkward, by the way, when you sit next to him at the table.

"What are you doing?" Spencer asked, seeing me with cards in one hand, a blunt in the other.

"Playing poker. Wanna play?" I asked him innocently.

"Yeah. You gonna let your sister out cool you?" Asher asked taking a sip from his beer.

"No. I'm trying to keep my clothes on," he said referring the naked boy next to me.

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