Chapter 18: Cabins

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(A/N. Question of the day, How do you think cotillion will go?)

"Ready to see the gender," a kind nurse asked me.

"Yes maam," I said with a small smile.

Darnell, Spencer, and dillion found out our dad had cancer. I was supporting simone at her doctors appointment while it was going on. Now that we know, mom is taking us to his cabin for one last weekend. Hopefully more, but he's studdorn.

I brought from my thoughts by the cold gell going over my small baby bump.

"You okay?" JJ asked me.

He now comes to all my appointments with me. He doesnt want me to be alone through this and I find it to be the sweetest thing in the world.

"There we go, it's a baby boy," the doctor told me.

"I'm having a boy," I said as a smile grew on my face.

"You could always name him JJ," my obnoxious boyfriend said.

"Or shawn," I said sarcastically.

The nurse laughed at us. She has gotten used to our friendly banter. She also knows JJ isnt the father and loves that I have someone supporting me. Apparently a lot of teens she sees has no one.

We left the appointment happy. I was relieved to find out the baby's gender ready to go over names for him. First I had to go to the cabin and get through the weekend. JJ drove me home and Spencer had my bag packed.

"Ready to go?" Spencer asked me.

"Me and little man," I said touching my belly.

"Its a boy?" He asked me.

"Its a boy."

A boyish grin spread on his face as he brought me into a hug. The moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. we open the door to see Darnell there, a letter in his hands.

"Can you give this to corey for me?" he asked sheepishly.

"You can give it to him yourself," Grace said making me smile.

"Are you sure?" he asked us.

"You were corey's kid too," I told him.

he walked over and out his arm around me, and led me to the car. Spencer followed us carrying Dillion on his back.

"So, is it a boy or girl?" Darnell asked making everyone turn to me.

"I'm having a boy!" I said with an excited tone.

We all discussed things of the baby or football on the way. We all wanted to avoid the obvious, Corey's dying. After a forever of driving Grace finally pulled up to a beautiful cabin.

"This is dad's?" Dillion asked gaping at the house.

"This is why they tell you not to sell grandmas house," Spencer told him.

"What are you all doing here?" Corey asked.

"We came to see you," Spencer said expecting a better response than he got.

"Go away!" he yelled at us.

"Nu uh. We just drove seven hours, we are stating for the weekend. kids go pick a room," she told us.

We went in and picked rooms. Me and Spencers were next to eachother's. Dillion and Darnell's room was across the way from us. Corey came storming by and slammed a shut making me scream and drop to the floor. When I was with Cam a slamming door always came with a bruise.

"Whats wrong?" Grace yelled running in and seeing me on the ground.

"N-nothing," I stuttered out.

"You gave me a heart attack," she said letting out a sigh or relief.

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