Lilith scooted closer to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "It's okay to feel like that sometimes, they love you, they just don't know how to show it, trust me, they treated Gabriel and I exactly the same," she told him. 

Lucifer looked up at her with tears in his eyes. "Even on my birthday they can't hold back, they told me I was a disgrace to the family because I wanted to wear jeans instead of dress pants," he told her. "You'll let me wear jeans, right?" He asked, picking at the loose thread on his pants. 

"Of course, in fact, go get dressed now whilst I persuade Gabe for the car." She winked and stood up, leaving him to get dressed with a smile. 


"You're crying," sang Kai, breaking her from her thoughts as he drew on his paper. He looked up at her before grinning. "What did I tell you about forgetting? It does good for the soul."

Lilith let out a snort. "Yeah, because it did so good for your soul, oh wait, do you even have one?" She retorted harshly, slamming her forehead on the table. "Sometimes I wish I was alone."

Kai gritted his teeth, standing up quietly before he rushed to her side, grabbing the back of her neck in a tight grip. "Oh trust me, you don't," he whispered in her ear harshly. He yanked her up from the chair before slamming her down onto the table, his hand now wrapped around her neck. "Talking to yourself, losing yourself to time, you really want that?" He told her in a soft voice. 

"No," said Lilith, glad that he hadn't placed pressure on her neck. "I didn't mean it," she whispered, a tear escaping her. She met his cold eyes, feeling shivers travel down her spine. He had placed himself in between her legs, his body arched over hers. He was treating her as if she was his prey. 

She was pinned beneath him and she was unsure of how far he was willing to go. He was beginning to breathe heavily his anger consuming him, his hands were tightening, so she did the one thing she had wanted to do since she had first seen him; she kissed him. 

Her hands flashed to his his face, holding him to her. She became unaware of the hands on her face, rather, the mouth molding into hers, a slow tango of lips and tongue. Her hands tugged his thick, tousled hair between her fingers, pulling him closer. He roughly tugged her bottom lip with his teeth then his solid grip on her loosened and she fell back onto the table. 

She felt herself draw ragged breaths but she was willing to say something until he held up a hand. "Don't," he practically snarled and stalked away from her, completely out of sight. 

Lilith felt hurt by his sudden dismissal but then the thoughts of the kiss consumed her and she felt tingly all over, so much she felt she could dance among the clouds, walk across the moon. She felt happy but sad, miserable, erratic and excited, all meshed into one. 

Lilith felt her head want to burst as well as her heart and her lungs. She rested back on the table, not caring if the objects underneath her were digging into her skin, she was so high on the feelings inside her that she didn't feel any physical pain but the one in her hear. 


It's been several days since the two had last spoken to each other. Kai was avoiding her like the plague whilst she was trying every way possible to talk and to confront him but the male had mastered on dodging her. 

"Kai, you can't keep ignoring me," shouted Lilith through his bedroom door. "Besides, you kissed me back!" 

The door snapped open and he let out a heavy breath. "I don't like you, you're getting confident and I don't like that," he snarled at her, he tried to shut the door in her face but her foot was blocking him. "Stop it," he hissed, kicking her foot with his until they stood kicking at each others legs in the middle of the hall. 

"I-swear-to-God," she said between breaths, kicking the door instead so much that she had actually kicked it open, out of Kai's hands. "Stop being childish and face me," she dared him, stepping into his room. 

She chose not react to this, she'd rather her 'friend' back than let her hormones take control even though she really wanted to. 

"No," he denied, crossing his arms as he avoided looking at her. "Not until you say sorry," he mumbled. 

"Sorry!" She all but screamed, making him flinch and frown at her. She let out a small laugh," I mean I'm sorry," she said, much calmer than before. "I miss you," she confessed, a light blush on her face. 

Kai smirked and stood straight, although he stood a lot more sassier than intended. "I know," he told her, shrugging a shoulder. 

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