Devenford Prep

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Y/n's POV. (3days later)

The halls of Devenford Prep.

Boring, crowed, and full of insanely annoying and self-centered people.

That's what I'll be seeing tomorrow, and god was I not excited.

Fun fact, just like Liam I suffer from anger issues. Something we found out we had in common before he got kicked out of Devenford Prep. Everyone knows it and they tend to not get in my way. I love it.

It's something I've been trying to work on though, but the Kitsune side of me likes it a bit too much.

Anger gives it power, power gives it control

The last thing I want to do is lose control

That's why I called Kira to help me, getting my anger out before the first day of school will be good for me.

I dragged Kira along with me into the middle of the woods.

"Can you please tell me what we're doing here?" She asked.

"Practicing" I said.

"Practicing what?" She asked as we approached a clearing


I turned to her as my eyes turned blue

"Ok wow I'm so ready" she said excited.

She brought her katana with her, while I had daggers. Something my fox has latched onto.

"Ok come on" I said getting in a fighting stance.

"What?" She asked.

"Come at me" I said.

We locked eyes and I smirked.

She ran to me in a attempt to attack, yet I blocked.

We went back and forth blocking and hitting.

I had her pinned down and her eyes got redder.

She began yelling, throwing a fit. I could tell it wasn't her but her fox.

"Kira clam down! Calm down!" I yelled at her.

She was getting wilder and wilder.

"CALM DOWN!" I yelled.

The light in her eyes dimmed down and she stopped.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, I really am" she said as I got off her.

"It listens to you" she whispered sitting back down on the ground.

"It's cause mine has control, it's stronger. And It makes yours scared" I said putting my hand on her back.

"Don't worry Kira, you'll be able to control yours soon enough. I promise" I said trying to comfort her.

Suddenly something felt off.

Something was coming in our direction, and fast.

"We have to go" I said pulling her up.

"What why?" She asked confused and worrying.

"Somethings coming" I said as we began running.

We kept running, and whatever it was kept running after us.

"What is it" Kira said holding my hand while we ran.

"Werewolves" I said catching my breath.

We kept running until we found a car to duck next to.

The Summer Fling//Brett TalbotWhere stories live. Discover now