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Y/n's POV.

I was involved. I don't know how but I was involved.

I've been going on dates, with the same guy!!!

I don't know why...

I met him at threw Snapchat. Scrolling through my quick add, I saw a person I thought I knew so I added him. It wasn't the right guy.

But we started talking. He was pretty funny and really sweet. But at the same time knew how to joke around like I did.

His name is Jeremy...Jermey Gilbert.

Pretty cute I must say.

We had been talking for about 2 weeks and decided to go out on a date.

Than another one.

And another one.

I've told all my friends about him. I thought I really liked him.

But no.

I knew this fourth date he was gonna ask me to be his girlfriend.

I couldn't.

I don't know why

"Basically yea" I said sighing leaning back in my bed looking at Mason.

"Wow ok, that's a lot" he said looking concerned.

"I thought I liked him but I know if we go on this date and he asks, I won't be able to say yes" I said frowning.

"Maybe you don't actually like him then. Or maybe you just don't want a relationship. I mean you've been free all this summer, I don't think you wanna be tied down now" he said.

"Yea I think your right. I mean I liked having someone to always talk to, and who cares about me. But a relationship is just to much for me right now" I said tearing up.

I just felt bad. Cause I know I basically played him in a sense.

"You're gonna have to tell him" Mason says.

"Nooooooooo" I said dropping my head into Masons lap.

"Oh sweet girl your life is so hard" he said sarcastically while patting my head.

"I know" I mumbled before sitting back up.

"No but seriously your gonna have to tell Jeremy. You don't wanna drag this along anymore" Mason said with a serious look on his face as he rested his hand on mine.

"Yea yea I know, I'm planning on it later today" I said rolling my eyes.

Gosh boys make my life so difficult.


I turned my head towards the counter to see my phone light up.

I reached over and picked it up.

Once I opened it I was taken back a bit.

A text from Brett.

I opened it slowly.

'Hey, wanna come over?'

"Uh Brett just asked me to come over" I said to Mason shifting my body back towards his.

"Omg are you going to?" He asked.

"I mean yea sure why not" I said smiling.

I texted back, 'sure pick me up in 30'

"Ok well time to get dressed" I said getting off my bed.

I pulled some things out of my closet and just decided on a crop top and some sweatpants.

The Summer Fling//Brett TalbotKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat