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Y/n's POV.

There I was, in Bretts car.

On the way to Bretts house

With Brett...obviously.

"You ok?" Brett said looking at me concerned

"Oh nothing I'm good" I said snapping out of my thoughts.

We arrived at his house and walked in.

Both his parents waved at me as I passed them.

"So what you wanna do?" Brett asked.


"Well it's kinda chilly out, wanna go in the hot tub?" I asked, really just wanting to go in it again.

"Sure, you brought a suit?" He asked going to his closet to grab his.

"Yea" I said going into my bag, it's good I've realized how to pack whenever I go over his house,

I went into the bathroom to change into my suit, still a bit shy to be in front of him.

Once I finished, I walked out and over to him.

He handed me a towel.

"Ready?" He asked.

Than something weird happened, he put out his hand.

I looked at him confused for a moment then realized what he wanted.

Hesitating I put my hand into his and he interwoven ours.

We walked out of his room, through his house, and out to his backyard...hand in hand...the whole way.

He let go when we approached the hot tub, putting his stuff down he stepped in.

I stepped in after, sitting on his lap.

He kissed my lips softly.

"Hi" he said smirking.

"Hi" I giggled back.

We talked about school coming up and the classes we were taking this year.

"I'm just upset I won't be able to see Lydia and Allison much since they go to Beacon Hill high" I said to him.

"Yea I know someone who goes to that school" he said.

"Oh yea Liam right? We're friends" I said smiling.

"Yea I know. I saw your story the other night" he said looking down.

Oh yea, the picture of him kissing my cheek

"Oh yea, we're great friends" I said trying to ease the sudden tension.

"I bet" he said.


"Um anyways, it's weird how we didn't know each other last year and now we hang out so much" I said laughing.

"Yea we do, why do you keep hanging out with me?" He asked looking directly into my eyes.

"Um I don't know" I said getting nervous from the eye contact.

"Well I either must be really cute or really funny" he said sounding cocky.

"Nope definitely neither. You kinda remind me of a wild dog" I said trying to make fun of him.

"Yea yea whatever" he said.

Silence took over.

I was looking at the trees than my eyes turned to him, who was just staring at me.

The Summer Fling//Brett TalbotWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu