Summers coming to an end

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Y/n's POV.

"A week, A WEEK! Where the hell did summer go?!????" Lydia groaned into her pillow.

"I know it did feel really short" I said putting my hand on her back to comfort her.

"Plus that means we won't see you so much Y/n" Allison said making a sad face while walking towards me.

That's what sucks the most. I won't be able to see Lydia and Allison so much.

Don't get me wrong, we always find a way see each other but it's gonna be less frequent now.

"I know, it's sad" I said looking back at her.

"We have to make it count!" Lydia said sitting up suddenly.

"It's settled, starting now no more fooling around. It's us 3 until the end of the summer" Lydia said with a determined face.

"I agree" Allison said as I nodded my head in agreement as well.

Tonight was when that started.

We all planned on driving somewhere tonight. We didn't know where but that was the point.

I got all my things and Allison picked us up

Than the night began.

We loaded the car with pillows, blankets, snacks, and drinks.

We played music and sang all together.

Somehow we ended up about 4 towns over.

We sat parked at a sight seeing point.

"So how's everyone feeling?" Allison asked as she turned down the music.

"Great" Lydia said stretching out her arms

"Pretty good" I added in after.

"And recent news from Brett?" Allison asked suddenly.

"Um no, i figure since schools about to start we'll see each other than" I said looking down at my fingers as I played with them.

"Uh What" Lydia said as she held up her phone revealing a call from Stiles.

She answered and put it on speaker

"Hey Stiles" we all said in unison.

"Hello Ladies, where are you guys right now?" He asked.

"Not sure, why" Lydia responded.

"Oh well even though it's late, everyone's coming over for a big group sleepover at Scott's house" Stiles said.

"Group sleepover? What are we 10?" Lydia asked sarcastically.

"Oh cmon it'll be fun" Stiles protested.

All of us looked at each other for a second before deciding.

"Fine, we'll be there in 30" Lydia said before hanging up.

"Are we really about to have a sleepover with all the boys?" Allison asked as she started driving.

I laughed.

"I guess so" I said back.

"Oooh can we bring someone else with us?" I asked.

"Who" Lydia questioned.

"Kira, you met her at the party in Derek's loft. She's going to be going to Beacon Hill high this year so I thought maybe she should get to know you guys" I replied.

They both nodded and said sure so I called Kira.

"Hey Kira!"

"Oh hey Y/n, what's up?"

The Summer Fling//Brett TalbotWhere stories live. Discover now