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(The Birthday)

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(The Birthday)



Lucy Matthew's woke up with the urge to scream. Her dreams were filled with Shawn Hunter and she was honestly mad none of them were real. They had kissed... multiple times in her dreams. She knew she couldn't kiss Shawn because she knew the kiss wouldn't mean the same thing to him as it would to her. She couldn't let herself be caught in whatever spell he cast on girls to get them to date him for a week and then break their hearts. She couldn't get hurt by Shawn Hunter and yet she wanted him. She wanted him to kiss her and she wanted him to love her but deep down she knew that would never happen. Lucy walked down stairs into her kitchen and internally screamed at the sound of Shawn Hunters laughter echoing through the kitchen. She was about to turn around when... "Lucy! What are you getting Topanga for her birthday?" Cory asked her sharply. Shawn turned around to look at her causing her heart to sink. He was staring and he seemed to be mesmerized by her.

Shawn nervously looked away and over at Cory hoping Cory couldn't hear how loudly Shawns heart was beating. All Lucy did was walk into the room and Shawn felt his heart racing. "What gift are you giving her so I can sign my name on it?" Shawn asks Lucy playfully. Lucy rolls her eyes as she walks over towards the fridge. "I'm baking her a cake." Lucy tells both of the boys. "Lame!" Cory teases her. "You know I love eating.... count me in...." Shawn says in an excited tone as he quickly walks over to Lucy. "Well I am going to go the jewelry store and find something amazing for Topanga while you two make a lame cake." Cory tells them as he walks out the door. "Our present will be better than yours! Ours will be made with love!" Shawn yells dramatically at Cory. Lucy laughs as she grabs the cake mix. "You should know... I am a terrible cook." Shawn tells Lucy truthfully. "Oh... believe me I know.... I was there when you almost burned down your trailer." Lucy teases him as she starts pulling out all the stuff to make the cake.

"Hey.... the fire started itself!" Shawn replies defensively. He sits on the counter as he watched Lucy read the instructions. "Get me half a cup of water." She tells Shawn. Shawn groans in annoyance as he gets up and grabs a measuring cup. "How much is a cup?" Shawn asks her in a serious tone as he stares at the cup. "Fill it up.... to the line that says a cup.." Lucy tells him sharply as she pours the mix into the bowl. Shawn squinted at the cup as he had a confused look on his face. "Shawn......" Lucy mumbles as she walks over to him. Their hands touch as she grabs the cup from him. Shawn felt chills enter his skin. "That's the line.... the one that says one cup." Lucy tells him softly as she shows him the line. "Ohhhhh...." Shawn replies as he laughs. Lucy shakes her head at how dumb he was. Shawn pours the water into the bowl. He watches as Lucy starts cracking eggs into the bowl. She grabbed the mixer and started mixing all of the ingredients together. Shawn watched as she slowly mixed the ingredients. "You're not doing it right.... you have to stir it more aggressively." Shawn tells her sharply as he appears behind her. Lucy feels her breath get caught in her throat as she feels Shawns presence behind her.

"Like you even know how to bake." Lucy replied sarcastically. She felt Shawn place his hands on her hands causing her to stop stirring. "You stir it more like this.." Shawn tells her as he starts moving her hands. Lucy felt butterflies in her stomach as Shawns hands remained on top of her hands as he stirred the bowl. "See.... now it's perfect." Shawn tells her softly as he pulls his hands away. Lucy knew her face was bright red so she kept her back to Shawn so he couldn't see her face. Shawn grabbed the box as he tried to read the instructions. Lucy glanced over at him leaning against the counter. Curse him for being so attractive. He ran a hand through his hair as he seemed very focused. "Cook for like thirty minutes." Shawn tells her as he looks up at her. Their eyes met from across the room and they both could sense the tension between each other. Shawns eyes flickered to her lips causing him to bite his lip and then quickly look away.

Lucy poured the cake into the pan as Shawn watched her do it as he looked over her shoulder. "I'll put it in the oven because I know you've always been afraid you might get burned." Shawn reassures her as he grabs the pan. Lucy smiled as he put the cake into the oven for her. "Now we wait." Lucy mumbles as she looks over at Shawn. "What frosting do you have?" Shawn asks her curiously. "The good kind....." Lucy tells him in an excited tone as she pulls out pink frosting. Shawn couldn't help but smile at how cute she got when she was excited. "Not pink!" Shawn yells in disbelief. "It's for Topanga not you." Lucy replies sharply. "I guess it will still taste good." Shawn mutters as he grabs the frosting from her hands. He opened it up and immediately dipped his finger in it. He got frosting on his finger and then placed it in his mouth. "Don't stick your dirty finger in there." Lucy yells at him as she reaches for the frosting. "I literally just washed my hands." Shawn replies defensively as he holds the frosting out of her reach. "I don't know where your fingers have been." Lucy tells him angrily.

He gets a mischievous look on his face as he sticks a different finger into the frosting and licks it. "I'm gonna kill you! That frosting is for Topanga!" Lucy yelled as she reached for the frosting. She grabbed his arm as he laughed at her. She couldn't get the frosting from him because she was way shorter than him. Shawn smirked as he stuck another finger into the frosting and then smeared it across Lucy's cheek. He set the frosting down on the counter as he waited for Lucy's reaction. Lucy's mouth fell open as Shawn laughed at her. "You are so dead!" Lucy yells as she sticks both of her hands into the frosting. She smears the frosting all over his face. Shawn grabs a huge chunk of frosting. Lucy tried to run away but Shawn grabs her waist with his one hand causing her to squeal as he smooshed the frosting all over her face. Her body was pressed against his body as they both took deep breaths. Her shirt now had frosting hand prints from where Shawn had grabbed her. "The frosting was for Topanga!" Lucy screamed in disbelief as their faces were now covered in frosting. Shawn shrugged as he licked frosting off of his face. Lucy picked up a huge glob of frosting and placed it in Shawns hair causing him to gasp.

"Not the hair!" He screamed as Lucy giggled. Shawn grabbed a huge chunk of frosting and plopped it in Lucy's hair. Lucy accepted defeat as he grabbed more frosting. He cupped her cheeks with his hands as he smeared frosting over her face with his thumbs. Their eyes met as they both couldn't stop laughing. Their faces were both completely covered in pink frosting. "I hate you." Lucy mutters sarcastically. "Babe.... we know that's not true." Shawn whispers flirtatiously. Shawns eyes glanced down at her lips as he took a step closer to her. Their faces were now inches apart. Lucy looked down at the ground in order to look away from him. Shawn gently pushed her chin up with his finger to make her eyes meet his eyes again. "You guys are a mess!" Mrs. Matthew's screamed as she walked into the kitchen. Shawn quickly pulled his hands away from Lucy's face as he took a step away from her. "We're uhhh... making Topanaga a cake." Lucy tells her mom awkwardly. "I think there is gonna be more frosting on your faces then the cake." Mrs. Matthew's tells them as she laughs at them. Shawn awkwardly laughed as he glanced over at Lucy. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to have something special with her but it was like something inside of him was blocking him from letting himself truly love anyone. He also knew Cory would kill him if he ever admitted that Lucy made him feel more alive than any other girl he had ever met. He felt something so strongly for her and it terrified him.

I want some cake now smh 🤯

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