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Lucy Matthew's knocked on the familiar trailer door. When the door didn't immediately open she banged harder on the door. "Shawn! I know you're in there! We have to do this project!" She screamed as she banged more aggressively on the door. Lucy stopped banging on the door as she pressed her ear up to the trailer door. She tried to listen for anyone inside but couldn't head anything. She started slamming her hands on the door like crazy as she groaned in annoyance. "Calm down!" A male voice yelled from inside as the door flung open. Lucy's eyes landed on Shawn but he was only in his boxers. He ran a hand through his hair as his eyes locked with her eyes. Her eyes landed on his bare chest and she couldn't look away from him causing her to trip on the stairs. She started falling face first into the trailer but she felt strong arms catch her before she fell. "Woah..... you almost face planted because you saw me shirtless." Shawn teased her as he held onto her body. She clung onto his shirtless chest as he helped her regain her balance. Lucy felt like her whole body was tingling. "Where are your clothes?" Lucy asked him instantly as she looked him up and down. Shawn looked down at his appearance as he laughed. "Oh yeah... I don't have clothes on." Shawn mutters in a carefree tone as he walks into his kitchen.

"Make yourself at home.... me casa... is your casa." Shawn tells her playfully as he gestures to the kitchen. Lucy nervously sits down as Shawn walks out of the room. Lucy's face felt so hot. She couldn't believe how unfazed Shawn was by that whole situation. She saw him in just his boxers and he caught her before she fell while he was practically naked! Lucy grabbed her books out of her book bag as she couldn't get the image of shirtless Shawn out of her head. How was he so hot? Lucy started working on the project when she felt someone's presence behind her. "What are you writing?" Shawn whispered in her ear. He was hovering over her sending chills through her body. He was so close to her as she caught a whiff of his familiar scent. "I'm trying to do the project that you have done absolutely no work on." Lucy replies sharply as she turns to look at him. Shawns face was inches away from her as his eyes flickered to her lips. He smirked before looking away and sitting in the seat next to her.

"I'll write about George Washington on the paper." Shawn reassures her as he grabs her textbook. "We're making a poster... about World War Two." Lucy tells him sharply. "And.... where do you want George Washington to go?" Shawn asked her in a serious tone. Their eyes locked as Lucy groaned in disbelief. "You.... how..... why...... idiot." She mumbled to herself as she laid her head down on the table. "I'll take that as a compliment." Shawn replied in a cocky tone as he leaned back in his chair. Lucy lifted her head up as she started writing on the poster. Shawn couldn't help but stare at her as she looked so focused. He wondered how someone could be so beautiful. Cory wasn't around to stop him and he knew he wanted to make a move on her. He pretended to yawn as he wrapped his arm around her. "Stop." Lucy mutters as she smacks his arm away. He tried to grab her hand but she didn't even look over at him before smacking his hand away. She was too focused on the project to pay any attention to him. Shawn rolled his eyes as he tried to think of a way to get her attention.

"You look like you want some water... I'll get you some water..." Shawn tells Lucy as he gets up out of his chair. She didn't even acknowledge him as she focused on the project. He grabbed a glass of water and walked back to the table. He sat directly on top of her poster. "Hey!" She screamed at him as she looked up at him. She watched in disbelief as Shawn Hunter poured an entire glass of water over his head. His hair and shirt were now soaked with water as droplets dripped down his face. Lucy couldn't even form words as she looked up at him. He flicked his wet hair back and forth before running a hand through it. To say he looked hot was an understatement. Shawn Hunter looked absolutely breathtaking. "I know..... I leave most people speechless." Shawn tells her flirtatiously. "What.... why? What the hell just happened? Did Eric tell you to do that?" Lucy yelled as she gave him a confused look. "It's okay to admit you're attracted to me." Shawn teases her. "What? I came here to do history." Lucy replies sharply as her face gets red. Shawn looked down at the poster he was currently sitting on that was now covered in water. What the hell was he doing? Why did this girl make him crazy?

"I Uh.... I'll be right back!" Shawn stuttered as he sprinted out of the room. "Hey genius! You ruined our poster!" Lucy screamed at him angrily. Lucy couldn't believe what had just happened right in front of her eyes. Was Shawn teasing her because he knew she liked him? Shawn reappeared moments later in a different shirt. "Can we just forget about.... that?" Shawn asked Lucy nervously as he gestures to the water on the table. "Nope... I'm never letting you live that one down." Lucy teases him as she started laughing. Shawn couldn't help but smile at the sound of her laugh. "What happened in World War Two?" Shawn asked Lucy curiously as he gestured to the book. Lucy started explaining it to him as he rested his head in his hands. He kept his eyes on her as he had no idea what she was saying. He kept nodding his head as if he was listening when in reality he was just staring at her. His eyes landed on her lips and he forced himself to look away from her. He knew he wanted to kiss her and he knew it would be wrong if he did. Lucy started writing on the poster and Shawn stole her pencil from her hand as he started laughing.

"Hey! Give it back!" Lucy yells as she grabs his arm. Shawn felt chills go through his skin as she tried to pull the pencil out of his hand. He held the pencil over his head as he laughed at her. "I'll give it back... for a kiss." Shawn tells her flirtatiously. Lucy's eyes widened as she looked up at him. Was he serious? Did he know how much she wanted to kiss him? "I have other pencils." Lucy mutters as she quickly looks away from him. "Boo... you're no fun." Shawn mutters in disappointment. Before he had time to react Lucy grabbed his arm as she tried to take her pencil back. Shawn kept a tight grip on the pencil as he smirk formed on his face. He moved his arm back over his head as Lucy reached up for it. She climbed onto his lap catching him completely off guard as she reached up for his arm. Shawn couldn't stop his heart from beating uncontrollably as Lucy tried to get the pencil out of his hands. He could feel her body pressed against his lap and he tried to remain calm but his body simply couldn't.

"You are such a child." Lucy huffed in annoyance as she focused on grabbing her pencil. "You are such a child." Shawn mimicked her. Shawn let her have the pencil causing her to sigh in relief. Lucy felt her heart stop as she realized she was on Shawns lap. She didn't remember climbing up there but here she was. She could feel Shawns eyes on her as she stared down at her pencil. She felt something grow underneath her causing her to panic. She started climbing off of Shawn but nearly fell off of Shawns lap as she accidentally slammed her head on his kitchen table. "Shit! Are you alright?" Shawn asked her curiously as he looked up at her head. She nodded as she quickly stood up. "I think I'm just gonna go home." Lucy tells him awkwardly. "Is your head all good?" Shawn asked her softly as he placed his hand on her head. Lucy looked up at him causing her eyes to lock with his eyes. Her heart melted at the sight of him being so concerned for her. He gently rubbed her forehead with his fingers as he looked to see if her head was bruised. "I'm... im good." Lucy stuttered as she pushed his hand away.

This was so chaotic 👁👄👁

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