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(The First Day of School)

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(The First Day of School)



Lucy Matthew's made her way into her kitchen for the first time in a long time. She didn't realize how much she missed being at her house while she was away. The moment her foot landed on the bottom step of the stairs her eyes landed on her mom cleaning the table. Her eyes widened at the sight of a familiar brunette boy sitting at her kitchen table. "Good morning." Mrs. Matthew's tells her in an excited tone as she walks out of the room. Shawn turned to face Lucy as a mischievous smile was stuck on his face. "Good morning babe." He says in a flirtatious tone. "Cory's not even down here..... why are you here so early?" Lucy asked him curiously as she walked to the fridge. "Love is in the air." Shawn tells her in a seductive tone as he shuts the fridge door. Lucy turned to Shawn who was leaning against the fridge.

"'re finally going to ask Cory out." Lucy replies playfully as she pats his cheek. Shawn rolls his eyes as Lucy walks away from him. Cory walked down the stairs and Shawn immediately sat back down and pretended to be staring at a spoon. "Shawn! What are you doing here so early?" Cory asked Shawn in disbelief. Corys eyes landed on his sister who was pouring herself a glass of milk. "What did he say to you?" Cory interrogates her as he grabs her arm. "Nothing..... relax." Lucy replies sharply as she smacks his hand away. Cory still wasn't convinced as he looked over at Shawn. Shawn put his hands up in surrender as he shook his head back and forth.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" Lucy asked them curiously as she stood behind the counter. Cory opened his mouth to start naming different types of breakfast food but his best friend got up and leaned against the counter directly in front of Lucy. "Make me a kiss for breakfast." Shawn tells her as he smirks at her. "You wish." Lucy replies in a sharp tone. Her eyes locked with Shawns as their faces were inches apart. Lucy felt small butterflies fly around her stomach causing her to quickly look away from him. Lucy awkwardly laughs as she walks away from him towards the table.

Later that day Topanga, Shawn and Cory were all talking by their lockers. "Why is she talking to him?" Shawn muttered with a hint of jealousy in his voice. Topanga turns her attention to where Shawn is looking. She realized Shawn was staring at Lucy talking to Jack Sterling. She was leaning against her locker as she laughed and smiled at everything he said to her. "Are you jealous?" Topanga teased Shawn. "Of course not.... I don't even like Lucy like that......I just know that Jack uses a bunch of girls and treats them like crap." Shawn replies defensively. Shawn turned his attention back to Lucy as she made her way over to him. "Hey guys." Lucy says in a soft tone.

"Why were you talking to Jack Sterling?" Shawn asks her sharply as he crosses his arms. Lucy turned to look at Shawn who's face was filled with a strong emotion Lucy couldn't quite figure out. She had never seen him like this and she didn't like it. "Uh... he just started talking to me.... he's really nice." Lucy replies nervously as she can feel his eyes on her. "I don't think you should talk to him anymore." Shawn tells her in a sharp tone. "Why? You can't control me." Lucy replies sharply. "He makes out with a million girls and then breaks their hearts." Shawn tells her as he makes dramatic gestures. Lucy laughed as she shook her head in disbelief. "Are you sure you aren't describing yourself?" Lucy replies sarcastically causing Topanga to laugh. The bell rang causing the two girls to quickly rush to class.

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