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(The Sleepover)

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(The Sleepover)



Shawn paced back in forth in Corys room. The girls had gone to sleep and Mr. Matthew's had made it very clear that Shawn Hunter was not allowed to even breathe in the direction of Lucy's room. Shawn of course kept peeking out of Corys room and looking at Lucy's door. Cory watched as Shawn continued to pace back and forth. Cory just wanted to go to bed but Shawn couldn't seem to get his mind off getting into that room. "Shawn give up already and go to bed!" Cory yelled at him. Shawn simply glared at Cory before he returned to his pacing back and forth. He knew there were a bunch of girls in Lucy's room that would be all over him if he went in there and yet his mind could only picture seeing Lucy. He imagined the way she would get mad and yell at him and how cute she looked when she was angry. He quickly shook away those thoughts as he looked over at Cory. He knew if Cory could read his mind he would be a dead man.

"You know what! I think I'm going to go home." Shawn tells Cory in a mischievous tone. Cory raised his eyebrow at his best friend knowing that he was up to something. "What are you about to do?" Cory asked Shawn curiously. "Pfff.... nothing.... just go to sleep Cor... I'll see you in the morning." Shawn tells Cory as he climbs out of his window. Cory quickly looked out of his window and watched as Shawn Hunter sprinted in the wrong direction that would lead to the trailer park. Cory sighed as he climbed out the window and followed after his best friend. Meanwhile Lucy was tossing and turning in her bed. All of her friends were sleeping on the ground in her room and Morgan was asleep in the bed next to her. She could normally fall asleep easily but her mind was clouded with thoughts of Shawn. She kept replaying the moment when he caught her over and over again in her head. She hated the way he made her feel but she loved the way his eyes stared into hers. And the way she felt safe in his arms.

Lucy's thoughts were interrupted by a soft tapping sound at her window. She turned on her lamp in order to see what was at her window. She quickly turned her attention to her window that was directly next to her bed. She blinked in disbelief as her eyes landed on Shawn Hunter. She quickly got out of her bed and slowly opened the window for him. "Hello!" Shawn yells loudly as he climbs inside her room. Lucy quickly puts her hand over his mouth as she tells him to be quiet. Her eyes scanned his body and she noticed he was in his pajamas. She didn't think someone could look so hot wearing the simplest of clothing but Shawn Hunter always surprised her. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" Lucy whispered angrily as she removed her hand from the boys mouth. "I couldn't sleep." Shawn replies softly. Lucy scoffed in disbelief as her eyes locked with his. She felt uneasy as she realized they were the only ones awake in the room. Shawn looked her up and down as he noticed how she cute she looked.

"You need to leave and go to bed." She tells him sharply as she motions to the window. "Okay." Shawn replies playfully as he lays down on her bed. "I didn't mean here." Lucy whispers aggressively. She tried not to smile as Shawn pretended to fall asleep. "My dad is gonna kill me if he finds you in here." Lucy warns Shawn as she walks over to the edge of her bed. "Then let him." Shawn replies flirtatiously as he runs a hand through his hair. "Why are you really here Shawn?" Lucy asks him curiously. "Hello! Girls." Shawn replies dramatically as he gestures to the girls asleep on the floor. Lucy laughs as she shakes her head. "Well the ones you care about are asleep." Lucy mumbles under her breathe. She feels Shawn gently grab her hand causing her to turn to him. "But you're awake and quite frankly you're the most important person in this room." Shawn tells Lucy in a soft tone.

Lucy felt her heart flutter the moment he spoke those words to her. "You need to leave and you need to sleep in Corys room." Lucy tells Shawn sharply. Shawn just smirked as Lucy felt him wrap his arms around her waist and pull her down onto the bed beside him. "Shawn." Lucy whispered in disbelief as she felt like her entire body was on fire. Shawn laughed as he wrapped his arms tightly around Lucy's body. Lucy wanted to fight out of his grip but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She wanted to be in his arms. She liked being in her arms and she liked the way he was making her feel. Shawn felt like he was unable to breathe as he held Lucy in his arms. He was just cuddling her and yet he felt like his heart might explode. He had never felt this way around anyone and it scared him. A knock on Lucy's door caused Lucy's body to jolt in fear. Shawn gently let go of her as she nervously sat up. "Yes!" Lucy yelled in response. "Just checking on you guys!" Mr. Matthew's yelled back. "We are all good!" Lucy yelled as she started panicking. "Alright I'm coming in to kiss you and Morgan Goodnight!" Mr. Matthew's yelled as Lucy heard the door start to open.

"You have to hide." Lucy told Shawn frantically as she pushed him out of her bed. Shawn gave her a confused look as she quickly shoved him into her closet. She quickly shut the door as her dad walked into the room. "Everyone's asleep." Lucy tells him as she takes a deep breathe. "Goodnight......" Mr. Matthew's tells Lucy as he kissed her forehead. He starts walking out of the room but then he turns around. "Shawn get out of my daughters room!" Mr. Matthew's yells loudly. Shawn slowly opened the closet door. "Bye Mr. Matthew's." Shawn replies awkwardly. He had a scared look on his face as Mr. Matthew's watched him climb out the window. "Do I even want to know why he was in here?" Mr. Matthew's asked Lucy in a sharp tone. "He had a nightmare." Lucy replies quickly. "If I catch him in here again...... you are going to be in big trouble." Her dad tells her sharply before leaving. Shawns feet met the ground as he climbed down from Lucy's window. "Where the hell you been?" Cory asked him in disbelief. "Did you follow me?" Shawn asked Cory sharply. "Yeah I assumed you were going to do something illegal but it turns out you just wanted to see the cheerleaders." Cory mumbles in disbelief.

" of the girls on the team is special Cor." Shawn tells him in a soft tone. "Ooo Shawn Hunter is in love.............I'm exhausted.... so come on let's go to bed." Cory tells Shawn as he starts to walk away. "I think I'm going to go home." Shawn tells Cory as he looks back up at Lucy's window. Cory yawns as he walks back into his house. Once Shawn made sure Cory wasn't looking he climbed back up to Lucy's window. A smile formed on his face as he realized Lucy had left the window open for him. He knew it was probably an accident but it made his heart beat faster at the thought of her wanting him to be there. He quietly climbed through the window. The moment he stepped into the room Lucy sat up in her bed. "Are you crazy?" Lucy asked him in disbelief as he walked over to her bed. "Yes and I'm tired.... so scoot over...." Shawn tells her as he slides into the bed next to her. Lucy's eyes widened as she made room in her bed for him. She knew she was supposed to tell him to leave but her heart wanted him to be there. She turned her back to him as she pulled the covers over her body. Shawn started at the back of her head as he took in her familiar scent. He couldn't believe he was in her bed right now. Mr. Matthew's had told him to leave and yet here he was. He nervously wrapped both of his arms around Lucy's body. Lucy immediately flinched at his touch but soon relaxed into his embrace. Sleep soon overtook both of them.

I'll leave my window open for Shawn 👁👄👁

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