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(The Cheerleader)

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(The Cheerleader)



Shawn Hunter and Cory Matthew's were pretending to study for their history test. They were both at Corys house in his kitchen. Shawns feet were up on the table as he mindlessly flipped through the pages of his history book. Cory was actually reading the pages as he had a confused look stuck on his face. "Well! We tried." Shawn announces in defeat as he throws the history book down on the table. "We can't fail another test." Cory mumbles nervously. Shawn looked over at Cory who was frantically flipping through the pages of the book. "All we need to know is Abe Lincoln sailed the ocean blue in 1789." Shawn reassures Cory as he runs a hand through his hair. Cory gave Shawn a concerned look as he groaned in disappointment.

Shawn glanced into the living room where Shawns mom was sitting. "Is Lucy home yet? She's good at history." Shawn asks Cory as a smile forms on Shawns face. "She's not home yet and don't smile when you think about her." Cory tells him sharply. Shawn rolls his eyes as he places his head on Corys table and takes a nap. Cory started reading the history book to Shawn but he realized his friend wasn't listening when Shawn started snoring. The kitchen door opened causing Cory to turn his attention to his sister entering the house. "Mom!" Lucy yelled the moment she walked through the door. Shawn immediately heard her familiar voice and quickly lifted his head up. He rubbed his tired eyes as he looked over at Lucy. His eyes widened in disbelief as his eyes landed on Lucy wearing a cheer uniform. "Is this a dream?" Shawn asked Cory in a groggy voice.

Lucy laughed as her eyes landed on the tired boy. Shawns eyes scanned Lucy's body in the cheer uniform and he could practically feel the drool dripping out of his mouth. "Cory pinch me." Shawn whispered as he stared at Lucy. Cory pinched Shawn causing Shawn to groan in pain. "You didn't have to pinch me so aggressively." Shawn tells Cory sharply. He turns his attention back to Lucy. "Oh my gosh! Lucy did you make the cheer team?" Mrs. Matthew's yelled as she walked into the kitchen. "You guys are looking at the newest addition to the cheer squad!" Lucy yelled in an excited tone as she shook her pom poms. Shawns mouth dropped open. "My two favorite things." Shawn blurts out. Cory smacked Shawns arm but Shawn ignored him. Shawn stood up causing Lucy to raise her eyebrow at him. He sprinted across the room and wrapped his arms around her. Lucy squealed as he picked her up and spun her around. She felt her heart flutter at the feeling of the boy holding her.

"Shawn!" Cory yelled in disbelief. ""It means she is going to have hot cheerleader friends that come over to your house!" Shawn yelled in an excited tone as he squeezed Lucy. Cory glared at Shawn causing Shawn to gently set Lucy down and take a step away from her. Shawn leaned against the table as his eyes scanned Lucy's body again. The skirt of the cheerleading uniform was very short and the outfit showed off her curves. He couldn't believe how hot she was. He ran a hand through his hair as he couldn't take his eyes off of her. "I actually came to ask you if the girls could come over tomorrow night to celebrate us all making the team?" Lucy asked her mom. "Say yes! Please say yes!" Shawn begged as he walked back over to Lucy. "Of course they can come over." Mrs. Matthew's replies softly. "Yes!" Shawn and Lucy both screamed in unison.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Shawn screamed in excitement as he lifted Lucy's body off of the ground again. "Okay! Calm down." Lucy tells Shawn. He gently sets her down as a smile is stuck on his face. "I could kiss you right now." Shawn whispers breathlessly. Lucy's eyes widen as she awkwardly laughs. Her face got red as she felt Shawns eyes still glued on her. "Room... I go." Lucy stutters as she quickly sprints up the stairs. "What did you say to her?" Cory questions Shawn. "Nothing! I'm just excited for the cheerleaders to be here tomorrow night!" Shawn yells as he claps his hands. "Cheerleaders where?" Eric yelled as he sprinted into the kitchen. "Your sister made the cheer squad and the entire squad will be coming here tomorrow night." Shawn tells Eric causing Eric to smile. "Mom! Did you throw away my...." Lucy begins to say as she walks down the stairs but Eric interrupts her. "Thank you for being alive." Eric tells her as he hugs her.

"You told him about the cheerleaders didn't you?" Lucy asked Shawn sharply. Shawn nods causing Lucy to roll her eyes. "You two are not allowed to bother us while we are here.... it's a girls night." Lucy tells them sharply. "Pfff..... us..... bother them....... who do you think we are?" Eric replies playfully as he nudges Shawns arm. "You two are the biggest players I know." Lucy says sharply. Eric and Shawn laughed as they shook their heads. "Us? Players? Please!" Eric yells in disbelief. Lucy opened her mouth to argue with him but was interrupted by someone knocking on the kitchen door. Lucy opened the door revealing a girl in the same cheer uniform as Lucy. "You forgot your jacket at practice." The girl tells Lucy as she hands her a jacket. "Thanks Lili see you tomorrow." Lucy tells her as she grabs the jacket. She closes the door but feels Eric shove her out of the way as he frantically opens the door. Shawn quickly runs after him as they both sprint out the door. "Hey! I saw her first!" Eric screamed at Shawn. Lucy rolled her eyes as she laughed at them. Eric sprinted back into the house as he was out of breathe. "How old is that chick?" Eric asked Lucy frantically. "Uh she's a senior." Lucy replies softly. "She's mine Shawn!" Eric screamed as he sprinted back out of the house.

Shawn and Eric can both break my heart 😌

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