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Lucy Matthew's was sitting on the couch in her living room in silence. Everyone in her family was gone and she was simply enjoying the peace and quiet that she rarely got. Lucy was watching one of her tv shows when the door to her house practically slammed open. "Where's Lucy she's my emotional support human! There you are!" Shawn Hunter yelled loudly as he walked into Lucys house. Lucy groaned in annoyance at him ruining her alone time away from her family. "Shouldn't you be with Cory?" Lucy asked him aggressively. "Rawr.... someone's in a bad mood.... he's on a date with topanga." Shawn tells her as he walks over to the couch. "Still doesn't explain why you are here." Lucy mutters as she turns off the tv. She looked over at Shawn and took in his appearance. Her mind instantly thought "curse him for being so hot."

"I was bored." Shawn tells her softly. "Go be bored somewhere else." Lucy replies sharply as she looks away from him and back at the tv that wasn't on. "Can I hug you?" Shawn asked her abruptly. "What? Don't hug me." Lucy replied sharply as Shawn sat down beside her. "I'm going to hug you..." Shawn whispers flirtatiously as he opens his arms out to her. Lucy scooted away from him as she shook her head. "No..." Lucy replies in disbelief as she tries to move away from him. Shawn laughed as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug. She didn't hug him back as she tried to squirm out of his grip. "Get off of me!" Lucy yelled at him as she moved her body. "Just let me hug you!" Shawn replied sharply as he tightened his grip around her body. Lucy couldn't move due to Shawn being on top of her with his arms tightly wrapped around her. "You're suffocating me!" Lucy yelled in hopes that he would get off of her.

"No.... you need a hug... it will make you feel better." Shawn whispered as he laughed. Lucy stopped fighting him as she realized how nice it felt to have Shawn hugging her. His embrace was soft and warm. She still didn't hug him back due to how nervous she was with him being so close to her. "Are up hugging me because of what happened the other day?" Lucy asked him curiously. "I just worry about you... okay.... and I couldn't stop thinking about it... so here I am." Shawn tells her softly. "I'm fine Shawn... I really am." Lucy tries to reassure her. "I'm still going to hug you." Shawn replies flirtatiously. Lucy knew her face was red as butterflies erupted in her stomach. She tried to push his body off of her but he was too heavy and way stronger than her. "We hugged... now get off of me!" Lucy complained. "You still haven't hugged me back." Shawn teases her as he tightens his grip around her. Lucy scoffed in annoyance as she nervously wrapped her arms around him and gave him a soft hug. She took in his scent as he held her for what seemed like forever. She quickly pulled away as she pushed his chest. "Get off of me.... I can't breathe." Lucy yelled dramatically.

"Nah... I'll think I'll stay right where I am." Shawn replies jokingly. Lucy groaned in annoyance as she tried to get her legs out from under him so she could kick him. Shawn just wanted to hold Lucy. He hated how sad she looked the other day and he just wanted to make her feel better and he never wanted to see her like that again. "Move!" Lucy screamed at him. Shawns laugh echoed through the Matthew's house. Lucy bit her lip in order not to smile at the sound of his adorable laugh. Lucy stopped trying to push Shawn off of her as Shawn stared at her. Shawn didn't think anyone could be so beautiful. His heart was pounding as he studied her face. Lucy looked up at Shawn causing her eyes to lock with his. Chills ran through Shawns body as he stared into Lucy's eyes. "How was I supposed to know the red sign meant stop!" A voice yelled as the front door to the Matthew's house flew open. Eric, Mrs. Matthew's, Mr. Matthew's and Morgan all walked through the door.

"Ooooo... what are my eyes witnessing?" Eric yelled playfully as he looked at Shawn on top of Lucy. "He's trying to kill me!" Lucy yelled dramatically. "Shawn get off of her." Mr. Matthew's told him sharply. Shawn simply looked up at him gave him a smile but didn't let go of Lucy. "I'm being abused.... Shawn Hunter is abusing me... this is assault...." Lucy muttered sarcastically. Mrs. Matthew's sighed before walking into the kitchen. "My own mother won't even save me!" Lucy screamed in disbelief. "Alright Shawn... get off of her." Eric muttered as he grabbed Shawns arms. Shawn had a tight grip on Lucy and even Eric couldn't pry the boy off of her. Shawn smacked Eric's hands away causing Eric to gasp in shock. "Well.. I tried... it was nice knowing you Lucy." Eric mutters as he walks away. "My own family betrayed me." Lucy says in shock. Cory and Topanga walked through the door.

"What are my eyes witnessing?" Cory asked as his eyes landed on his best friend on top of his sister. "Cory save me!" Lucy screamed desperately. "Look how cute they are." Topanga whispered to Cory. "That's not cute... in fact it's the opposite of cute." Cory replied sharply. He grabbed Shawns arms and tried to pry his body off of his sister. Shawn didn't even move a inch and Cory was out of breathe. "Uh..... topanaga.... wanna give it a try?" Cory asked his girlfriend as he gestured to Shawn. Topanga shook her head as she walked over to Lucy. "I can't save you." Topanaga whispers as she pats Lucys head. Topanga and Cory leave the room leaving Lucy and Shawn alone. Lucy tried to wiggle her body out of Shawns grip causing him to groan. Shawn was starting to actually crush Lucy's body causing her to wheeze. The moment she winced in pain Shawn immediately got off of her. "Are you alright?" Shawn asked her nervously. She nodded as she was no longer being crushed by Shawn. "Another hug." Shawn teased her as he extended his arms towards her. Lucy screamed as she sprinted up the stairs with Shawn chasing after her.

Shawn can hug me 🙌☺️

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