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Lucy Matthew's wasn't able to get Shawn Hunter off of her mind. It was a usual occurrence for her but this time it was different. He had specifically told her that he wanted to kiss her. Lucy never thought anyone could possibly find her desirable. She assumed everyone was repulsed by her appearance or simply saw her as a friend and nothing more. Shawn made her feel wanted. When Lucy arrived at school her eyes landed on Shawn Hunter standing directly in front of her locker. Normally she would have been excited to see him but his lips were attached to a random blonde haired girl. Lucy quickly looked away as she gagged at the sight of Shawns throat practically down another girls throat. She needed to get her books out of her locker but Shawn had the girl pressed directly against it. Lucy wondered if he had done that on purpose. Did he want to piss Lucy off or simply make her feel insignificant? Either way it worked. It was a reminder that Shawn Hunter wanted to kiss anything that was female and breathing and that made Lucy feel no longer special.

"Ahem!" Lucy cleared her throat loudly at the couple making out in front of her locker. Lucy couldn't help but feel a pinching feeling in her heart. Shawn waved his hand at her telling her to go away as his lips remained locked on the girl in front of him. "It's my locker asshole." Lucy huffed as she pushed in between the two people. They broke apart as Lucy aggressively opened her locker. "Watch it bitch!" The blonde girl yelled as she shoved Lucy's arm. Lucy stumbled backwards due to the force of the shove. She looked over at Shawn. Shawn could sense the sadness in Lucy's eyes. He ran a hand through his hair before turning his attention back to the blonde haired girl. "Get lost Ashley!" Shawn yelled as he pushed the blonde away. She scoffed as she quickly walked away. Lucy sighed in relief as she started grabbing books out of her locker. Shawn leaned against the locker next to her as he ran his hands through his hair. "You're welcome..... she was a senior and I still pushed her away for you." Shawn tells her in a flirtatious voice.

Lucy glared at him before she scoffed in disbelief. "Yes... thank you for making out with a random senior in front of my locker..... and thank you for telling her to get lost after she called me a bitch." Lucy mutters angrily as she slams her locker door. Lucy walks past him as she shakes her head in disbelief. "Did you see what just happened?" Shawn asked Topanga as he gestured to Lucy. "Yeah... you're an idiot." Topanga tells Shawn sharply before walking away. Shawn stood there dumbfounded as he replayed the previous events in his mind. He knew it was immature of him to kiss in front of Lucy's locker but he wanted to do it for some reason. He didn't even care about the girl he was kissing he just wanted to prove that he wasn't obsessed with Lucy. And yet he proved to himself that he was falling for her. He hated making her upset and the entire time he was kissing that girl he couldn't help but wish it was Lucy. The bell rang but Shawn stayed at Lucy's locker thinking about her.

"Hunter! The bell Rang! That means to get to class!" Feeny yelled at him. "Mr. Feeny... you know I never listen to you but .... if I were to want to make another girl jealous that couldn't possibly mean that I like her... right?" Shawn asked him curiously. Mr. Feenys eyes widened in shock at the boy asking him such a strange question. "I think that the fact that you are questioning whether you like her or not may just be your answer." Mr. Feeny tells him softly. Shawn just gave him a puzzled look. "Get to class!" Mr. Feeny tells him. Shawn picks up his backpack and quickly heads into Mr. Feenys class. His eyes immediately landed on Lucy who was talking to Topanga. There was an empty seat behind her directly next to Cory. Shawn quickly sat down as his eyes stayed glued on Lucy. "Lucy... tell Shawn about your plan!" Cory whispers to Lucy.

Lucy turned around causing Shawns heart to quicken. She looked angry but she gave him a soft smile causing Shawns breathe to get caught in his throat. He didn't understand why she was having this affect over him. No girl ever made him feel like this and he hated it. "So basically.... our mom and dad are going out of town this weekend.... therefore.... we have to throw a party." Lucy explains to him. Shawns head was rested in his hands as he stared at her. He couldn't even form words as he took in her beauty. "What do you think Shawn?" Cory asked him curiously. Shawn quickly looked away from Lucy as he cleared his throat. "Sounds like she's thinking exactly like me....." Shawn replies in a mischievous tone. Lucy smiled as she quickly turned back around.

"We should make it a make out party." Shawn whispers so only Lucy can feel. Lucy felt like every hair on her neck stood up at the feeling of his breath on her neck. "Well I don't... know..." Lucy stuttered nervously. "And we can have some drinks..." Shawn tells her softly. "Hunter! As much as the class loves to hear your voice.... you have got to stop talking." Mr. Feeny warns him. "Sorry Mr. Feeny!" Shawn replies sharply. Shawn tunes out whatever Mr. Feeny is trying to teach them. He watched as Lucy and Topanga both raise their hands over and over again. He loved listening to Lucy's voice as she answered a question. He laid his head down on his desk and took a short nap. Lucy turned her attention to Cory who was fast asleep causing her to laugh. She looked behind her and realized Shawn was also asleep. She smiled at the sight of how cute he looked when he was sound asleep.

"Lucy." Shawn whispered in a dreamy voice. Lucy's eyes widened as she wondered if he was awake. "Lucy!" He yelled loudly causing the entire class to look at him. Mr. Feeny stopped talking as all eyes were on Shawn. "Oh Luc...." He began to say again but Lucy quickly put a hand over his mouth. "Wake up before I kill you." Lucy warns Shawn through gritted teeth. She smacked his back as she tried to shake his body awake. "Oh Lucy!" Shawn yelled again. Shawn groaned as he pushed her hand away. "Mr. Matthew's... Mr. Hunter.... this isn't nap time!" Mr. Feeny yelled at them. Shawns body jolted awake as he quickly opened his eyes. "No officer!" Shawn yelled loudly. He looked around in a confused manner. His eyes landed on Lucy who was staring at him. Her face was bright red and he realized all eyes were on him. "Hallelujah!" Cory yelled as he woke up. Both him and Shawns eyes locked as they awkwardly laughed. "Carry on Mr. Feeny...." Cory tells him sharply. Mr. Feeny rolled his eyes in disbelief before walking away from them. Lucy couldn't help but wonder why Shawn was dreaming about her.

I dream about Shawn 😂🙌

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