
We have a volleyball practice to attend. It was a rare moment for us, Inarizaki to have practice on a Saturday but since the friendly match is just around the corner, Kita had come to a decision to do more practices.

As usual, I was the first one to wake up. I sat up on the bed, looking at Atsumu who was still laying facing the wall. Maybe he was still asleep. I got up to take my shower only to see Atsumu having his phone in his hand, scrolling through some old photos of him and y/n. His thumb caressed the part of y/n's face on his screen and I heard him sniffing softly.

I heaved, walking towards him. "We have a practice to attend. You're coming with me this time. We all need you, Atsumu so please, attend today's practice" I said before entering the bathroom to take a shower.

"Hey, it's the Miyas!" Akagi was the first one to notice us. I walked into the gym with Atsumu following me at the back. Akagi jogged towards us, "It's been a while, Atsumu. You looked like you lose some weight. Been dieting huh?" he laughed. I glanced at the blonde guy and he sighed.

"You're so fucking loud, it's annoying" he groaned and walked away. His response got Akagi to stop laughing and looked at me. "He's still not okay?" he asked. I looked at Atsumu putting his stuff at the corner of the gym, far away from the other team members' stuff. "He's definitely still not okay" Suna cut in, walking to stand next to me. I looked at him, "Still couldn't reach her?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow. Suna pulled his hands out of his pockets and crossed his arms. He shook his head with a hum. "I've tried asking Mika but she wasn't helping me out. I'm sure y/n told her everything so maybe she's trying to keep her away from all of us" he responded.

"Is there any other way?" I sighed out loud. Suna shrugged, placing down his stuff at the side of the gym. "Anyways, do you have Akari's contact number? Or know anyone who's close to her?" I put down my bag and removed my jacket. Suna quickly looked up at me with a frown, "Why are you asking?" he asked me back. "I have an unsettled business with that bitch" I kept my jacket in my bag, zipping it after. "So, do you have her contact number?" our eyes locked, I stared at him.

He scoffed, "No".

"Left!" Aran raised his hand, signaling Atsumu to toss the ball towards him. Atsumu got his hands on the ball, tossing to Aran. The tall man jumped before spiking the ball to the other side of the court yet Kita retrieved the ball from touching the floor, "Counterattack!" The opponent said in sync, running to their formations to spike the ball back to Atsumu and his team's court.

It happened in a split second, Omimi spiked the ball with his full force causing Akagi to missed it. The last whistle was blown. Kita's team won against Aran's.

"You should have taken the last ball" Atsumu looked at Akagi who was panting tiredly. "The ball was invisible, I couldn't take it" he cackled. "Yeah and it's your fault, our team lost. Great" Atsumu scoffed and drank his water. I watched them from the side, drinking on my water as well. "Hey, Atsumu. Relax, it's just a practice match" Akagi scratched his nape awkwardly.

"It's still a match though. Don't just waste my energy playing volleyball when we can't even win the match. Or maybe... You can just admit that you actually suck"

That came from Atsumu and that got everyone's eyes on him, including Kita.

I threw the empty bottle I was holding on my bag, approaching the blonde man. "Atsumu..." I tried to stop him but Aran cut me off.

"Atsumu, calm down. Why are you so mad? You're usually not this pressed" he furrowed his eyebrows, lowkey felt pissed at how rude Atsumu was.

"I just hate teaming up with a bunch of losers but I know he's not one so he should have played better" Atsumu replied, giving a sharp glare at his senior.

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