Chapter 9: The Three Musketeers

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The next day I was walking with Brooke and Alex around the school premises.

"So, Ana, did you sleep well last night?" Brooke asked me as we continued walking

"Yeah why?" I asked her confused to the random question she had asked.

"Well I don't want you falling asleep at the diner after school." She said laughing as she and Alex did a hand shake

"You told her!" I told Alex shocked that she didn't wait for me to tell her.

"I couldn't hold it in much longer." Alex said covering her mouth and turning away so that I could not see her laughing.

"Ok I didn't exactly sleep." I told them as they both stopped in their tracks.

"Well you know I was feeling the love in the air and I fake sleeped to see what he would do and I'm glad I did" I told them as I looked down and smiled remembering last night.

"I'll definitley try that." Alex said staring for a while and when she got into her senses we continued walking, but The Bitches stopped us in our tracks.

"Hi, Alex,Brooke, Ana. We hate you." Brittany said trying to make an impact on us as she fake smiled.

"Okay....?" I told her as we continued walking.

"I HATE YOU." she shouted sounding annoyed that no one gave her any attention.

"And so do you want a fucking reward?!" Alex shouted as she now turned around and walked up to her holding her from her shirt.

Brittany seemed stunned by this action. Actually I knew exactly what she was feeling. All she wanted was drama so that the focus would be on her and she actually got it.  Every student from Rosewall and River High were looking at us.

"Oh yoo-hoo, Brooke. What's new? Buying new friends are we? Cheating on your friends' boyfriends?" Hermosa smirkly said as she shouted.

"You fucking hoe." Brooke shouted back as she grabbed a piece of Hermosa's hair and started pulling. I couldn't hold my laughter. Hermosa was squelling as Brooke dragged her around the yard, people taking out there phones and taking the whole shot. Alex with her chocolate-chip frappe that she had bought from 'Doughnut World' in her hand, turned to Brittany and told her

"Here you go. A little treat to enjoy the show." but instead she didn't give it to Brittany, she threw it to Brittany. Brittany was now covered in milkshake dripping down her outfit and her hair. I couldn't hold the laughter much longer. I could see Charlotte, knowing she was next in line.

"What are you laughing at?" she told me with an angry look.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm laughing at you." I told her still trying to hold my laughter. "Come on, my babies our job here is done." I told as I looked at them. Brooke relaxed her grip from Hermosa's hair as she made her way flipping her hair towards us and so did Alex.

"You wasted a whole frappe on that bitch?" I told her stunned. Brooke seemed stunned too as we both knew her morning frappe meant a lot to her.

"I still have 1 cinnamon doughnut each for you and we can share this cupcake at lunch. Besides it was for a good cause."

The 3 of us laughed as we made our way towards our biology class with Mrs.Heywood. It was a great way to start our day. As I was thinking a heard a notification from our phones. We pulled out our phones as we see a notification from Instagram. Ashley-Leigh, the girl who takes care of the instagram page and school paper, had already posted the video.

As I looked with a smile at the notification, my eyes shifted on the lockscreen, which was of me and Lucas. With butterflies in my stomach, I closed my phone and headed back to class as I started daydreaming about tonight (yes we were going on another date)

*During English Class*

As the three of us entered from our lunch break to our english class, we were still licking our fingers from that delicious doughnut. In english class, we were far away from each other because Mrs. Hambacker (yes that's her surname) thought that being seperated would keep us away from talking, but I guess she never heard of group chats and phones.

As the class settled down, Mrs.Hambacker entered the room. She was wearing her long brown checked skirt with her hazel brown jumper and a matching braclet. She also wore leather boots and a leather black bag dangled on her shoulders. Her earings looked like they were a wedding gift from her grandmother and was a family heirloom. Her rectangular glasses stood on her long nose and her eyes looked gigantic through her glasses. Her black dyed hair was pulled up in a tight bun.

"Hello students. Please take out 'A prisoner in his own office' and turn to page 162 because today you are going to read."she said as she wadled off to the desk and turned around to write on the whiteboard what she had just said and multiple groans were heard in the distance. At that moment I saw Brooke looking at us and back at her phone as if to tell us to chat with her. I opened our book and put my phone in the middle and opened the chat.

Alex: Brooke do something!!!!! Her style is getting worse😩

Brooke: Look if it was up to me I'd already done her make-up, hair and nails and we'd be shopping for new clothes 😤

Ana: Although I love seeing you this frustrated I have to tell you something

Alex: Did you fell of your chair?

Alex: wait no you're still sitting down🙄

Ana: Thanks for the support really appreciate it 🙌

"Alex, please respond my question." we heard Mrs.Hambacker's squeaky voice in the distance.

Ok. Yes. Absolutely. Your style really sucks." Alex said feeling confident. The whole class started laughing as Mrs. Hambacker huffed and stated

"No Ms.Harrington. The question was why are the curtains in the prisoner's office red."

"Well I'm guessing that the curtain seller ran out of blue drapes and the prisoner had to buy the red ones." Alex said with the same tone of confidence and everyone bursting with laughter.

"Wrong. The curtains were red to describe his anger and rage towards society." She said angrily and frustrated by the answer as she pulled up her glasses up the bridge of her nose

"But how do you know?" Alex responded with more confidence.

"The important thing, Ms.Harrington that you know the important stuff that are written on the paper I handed out last week."

"Can you please mark the important stuff because all I see is absolute shit." Alex said as the whole class joined in laughter.

"OUT NOWWW!!!" Mrs. Hambacker called and Alex woke up laughing at us as she pointed our finger laughing at us.

"And why are you wearing that Friends hoodie? You should not be seeing that rude show!" she turned to me.

"Well its a trend now and besides its the best." I responded

"well if the world jumped out the window would you jump too?"

"Yes cause it would be fun for all of us to die together you know."

"You're just like your sister." She muttered under her breath.

"Well they are identical." Brooke responded.

"Why dont you two join your friend on a stroll?" she said crossing her arms.

"Gladly" we both said as we got up and went outside. Alex was waiting for us as we headed to the principal's office to get a slip and had to head back to class. But at least that slip was worth it...

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