Chapter 7: The First Dance

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*When there is written to play certain songs pls do so. It will get you in the mood of the characters.*

After my usual routine at the hospital, I was waiting for Lucas in the hospital entrance as I hear footsteps behind me. Probably it was Lucas so I said sarcastically 

"It's about ti-" I stop there and as I turn around I find myself face to face with Michael staring at me. 

"Hey." he told me flashing a smile at me.

"Hey, what are you doin here?" I stated as I smiled at him.

"I uh was actually looking for you."  he said looking down. 

I looked at him surprised as I told him

"Oh. And what exactly did you need me for?"

"To um ask you out to the back to school dance." 

I was completely shocked by this answer. I had forgotten to ask someone out for the dance. I was totally thrilled that someone asked me out and someone like Michael Carter!!! (who if you don't know is one of the most muscular people in the whole school).

"Yeah, yeah sure. So meet you at the-" I stopped right there as Lucas came in and told me.

"Hey um.... I got to prepare for something I have and I'm late so." and he stormed away. Michael waved at me and made his way to the car.

I didn't know what was going on with Lucas. I mean was he eavesdropping? Why was he angry? Maybe he heard some bad news about his friend and you know it effected his mood. All the way to my house he never said another word again. I tried to start a conversation but he wouldn't budge. Yes, ok I was a bit worried about him and sue me for being worried but I am. He is never like this. As he dropped me off, he didn't even wave goodbye but just sprinted ahead.

•     •     •

*Play motive x promiscuous by Ariana Grande, Nelly Furtado*:  (copy the link for the lyric video)

As I was wearing my bathrobe, the song Motive by Ariana Grande was playing. I started cleansing my face with my scrub as I looked at myself in the mirror. As a person I was very insecure. Never let anyone see me without make-up (except Brooke and Alex of course), I never let anyone buy me clothes, stuff like that.

After an hour or more I had everything done: my make-up was put on perfectly, I had my hair tied up in a beautiful bun, just like Brooke and Alex and my green silk dress found its way on me. After a hard long stare at the mirror, I took a deep breath and got out of the bathroom.

*Stop the music here*

Alex and Brooke were both waiting in Alex's room. As I got in Alex put her hands on her mouth as Brooke screamed with delight. They both came running to hug me.

"So a little bird whispered to me that Michael Carter asked you for the dance huh? The hottest guy in the whole school asking you piece of trash. Well that's a bummer." Alex told me with a sarcastic voice as we all laughed.

We all headed downstairs and Nate and Noah were there with two red roses bouquets which they both handed to Brooke and Alex.

"Come back before 11:00pm and no funny business." dad told us with his deathly stare that Alex inherited from him. Me and Alex hugged our parents and headed straight to River High.

•   •   • 

We arrived at the school. It was all lighten up as we started heading to the entrance. Well it was too perfect for it not to get ruined and so Brittany, Hermosa and Charlotte found their way towards us. 

"Oh, my my Alex, you look ghastly. Is that really what you're wearing when you have a boyfriend as hot and gentle as this." Brittany said as she moved towards Noah and started stroking his shoulders. Noah started struggling and trying to take her off.

"Oh great cause I tried to look like you today and back off, you son of a bitch." Alex told Brittany as she went towards her and gave a slap to Brittany.

Brittany started crying and Hermosa and Charlotte started patting her.

"Bitch please you're so fake even china denied they made you." Brooke said as she rolled her eyes.

We continued walking to the school. At that moment I spot Michael waving at me. I smile at him and go next to him with butterflies in my stomach

"Hey" I smile at him as I hug him.

"Hey. So do you wanna get in start dancing huh?" he asked me as he did a little dancing move.

I nodded and as we both turned to go to the school entrance. As we turned there was Lucas sitting on the floor in a hidden corner looking down. He looked like he was smoking weed.

"Oh look at that Rosie. Ughhhh that guy disgusts me." Michael said rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry what?" I said frustrated as I pushed him. "He is my friend, you asshole. I thought you were a good guy. Guess I was wrong. Now run along, pig." I told him yelling after him. I didn't know why I stood up for him. I guess it was instinct. I went walking up to Lucas

Play Take me back to the night me met by Lord Huron*

I could here the slow music playing from inside as I walked up to him. I grabbed his weed cigarette and asked him to dance. 

I helped him get up as we started dancing. My ear was pressed against his heart and my hand in his as we danced slowly. I could here his heart beat....getting faster....and faster. At that moment he stopped dancing. I looked at him confused.

"Look okay, I can't do this. Me and you acting normal, as friends. You know after that kiss, nothing could turn back to normal. Now you can tear me to pieces, crush my heart but I can't pretend anymore." Lucas told me with almost tears strolling down his eyes.

At that moment it started raining. I cupped his face as I told him "I can't pretend anymore, too." I got closer as our lips touched.

He lifted me up from the ground, as I snaked my fingers through his hair. He deepened the kiss as I snaked my hands from his hair to his chest. All of a sudden he pulled away and had a serious look on his face.

"What?" I said with a serious tone. "Did I do something wrong or-"

"No. I wanted to tell you something before we got serious." He told me as he got serious. "Look I'm the type of guy which is an over thinker, has a chance of getting cancer and-"

"I don't care." I told him as I smiled at him. "All I know is that I want you."

We kissed once again, smiling against each other's lips, butterflies flying around in my stomach and I didn't want the feeling to stop

I think it was the best night of my life, one that I would never, ever forget....And I wouldn't let myself to. Not in a million years 

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