chapter 18

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Ryan P.O.V.

Finally! Finally, I told her about her feelings. But I got to know how she got to know about the real reason why I brought her here. Even Jack and Jacky thought that I love her so I brought her.

But I didn't love her at that time. Sure, I was attracted to her but not love. I fell in love with her... I don't even know when. I didn't think that I'll ever do anything that I did for her.

The reaction I got from her after my confession was something I couldn't think of. Instead of replying to my confession, she took my wrist in her hand and pulled me to the door and pushed me outside.

"I can never love someone who used me." Saying this she closed the door at my face. Stupid girl! Don't even know that I can enter her room without her permission, using the duplicate key or simply breaking the door.

Now I have to find the person who said the truth to her. Apart from Jack and Jacky only Sia knows the truth. I called Cirrus as Sia was not picking her phone.

"Where is Sia?" I asked him.

"Boss, she has gone out. She will return around 9 p.m."

"Send her to the mansion when she returns. A reward is waiting for her," I cut the call.

Ayantika P.O.V.

For the past 2-3 hours I have been crying and not knowing the actual reason behind it, made me cry more. It pained me to push him out of my room and the thing I told him before shutting the door made me cry more as I had already fallen for him. I need something which can stop crying. And that is music. I opened my playlist and played a song. I played it to stop crying but it made me cry more. Oh, God! I don't have any song which could make me happy.

While crying for not finding an ideal song, I heard a tapping sound. I looked at the door but it was locked. Again, the sound came from the... Balcony? I turned to the balcony door and saw Cirrus signalling me to open the door.

"Ayantika, we have to go," he said before he could enter my room.

"Where? And why?"

"I don't know where but Ryan will kill my sis. We thought of escaping from him and I know you want to run away from him. Come fast. Sia is waiting," Saying this he took my hand and pulled me to the balcony. I saw a ladder. He climbed it and gave his hand to me to help me. I was hesitating for a moment but soon gave my hand to him.

Thank God I didn't wear salwar kameez or else it would be difficult for me to cross the railing. We landed and he removed the ladder and kept it on the ground. He took my hand and ran towards the garden. There we hid behind a bush when we saw Ryan's man.

"We have to climb the wall. My sister is on the other side waiting for us in a car," he whispered. When the men went away, he helped to climb the wall. I fall with a thud and thank God nothing happened to my ankle. Soon Cirrus fell beside me. I saw a car across the road and ran towards it with Cirrus. But before we could reach the car we heard a gunshot and not soon after Cirrus fell clutching his right thigh. I crotched down buy as I was about to touch him a voice roared.

"Touch him and I'll shoot him 9 times."

I looked at him and tried to plead with him with my eyes. My hands were itching to help Cirrus but I couldn't because of him.


Who is he?

Hint: He is not Ryan.

I'm so happy my boards' exam got cancelled. I got this news this morning and since then I'm dancing and singing. Now I can update more frequently( If I can have awesome ideas). I think I should stop now.

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