"Scott I'm not joking. We were attacked and Erik bled out in the woods. His heart stopped, he wasn't breathing, Charles couldn't see his mind in Cerebro. Scott, he was dead"

"But, he's here now and he seems fine"

"I don't really know or understand this fully, but I brought him back. He healed up like I do and then I became exhausted when he was healing. I couldn't stay conscious, but I brought him back from the dead"


"Scott, I-"

"You could've saved Alex..."

"We don't know that-"

"Please leave me alone, I need time to think"

"Of course"

I got up from my seat and slowly walked out of the kitchen. I glanced back and Scott was completely frozen. Because I wasn't looking where I was going I collided head-on with Peter. 

"Game night!"

That night

Everyone met up in the lounge and waited for Peter to begin his explanation of the game he had planned for all of us. Scott had shown up, I wasn't sure he would. Scott never made eye contact with me, but he also didn't flip me off, so not bad. Peter clapped his hands and everyone started to pay attention. 

"Tonight's game is Sardines!" Peter spoke very enthusiastically. He paused for applause and Kurt started clapping and soon everyone else clapped slowly and confused. 

"Great, thank you, thank you. Sardines is like hide and seek in the way that people hide and people seek, but it is also different. All but one of us will be the seeker, the other person will have two full minutes to hide anywhere inside the mansion. Then all of us will INDIVIDUALLY search for them, but here's the fun part. If you find the hider, you have to hide with them in their hiding spot. So everyone piles together in one spot like sardines squeezed together in a can. The last person to find the hiding spot is the hider in the next round. Understood?"

Everyone nodded along in understanding and soon it the game was starting. Peter had decided to pick on Scott and make him hide. We all waited and counted with our eyes closed, well Erik tried to sneak away early but we all heard him and stopped him. 

Soon the two minutes were up and everyone split off in different directions. Since the mansion was ridiculously large the game was probably going to take a while. I decided to go straight up to the top floor and work my way down. I looked through empty room after empty room. I moved down a floor to search through rooms that hadn't been renovated into double bedrooms. I was halfway down the hall when I heard a little bit of movement in a room. I quietly snuck into the room and searched through it before finding Scott sitting alone on the floor of a closet. Great one on one time with Scott for god knows how long. Peter just had to pick Scott, didn't he? I bit my tongue and sat down on the floor of the closet across from Scott. 

"Did you know you could heal others when he died?"


"Then I can't really be angry with you, can I?"

"I guess not"

The closet fell silent as we waited for the game to continue. After a while, Jean entered the closet. Scott pulled Jean to him and the two began to make out. I deserve this. I closed my eyes and hoped someone else would find us soon. After nearly an eternity more and more people started to find us quicker and quicker. Soon everyone, but Erik and Hank had squeezed into the small closet. I was sitting in the corner between the wall and Charles' wheelchair. We all waited silently, as least until Kurt sneezed. Then he all heard the two of them sprinting then several loud noises. The loud noises grew closer and closer before the closet door was ripped open and Erik stood there and laughed. 

"I beat you even after you threw me down the stairs!" Erik laughed.

"You threw him down the stairs?!" Everyone asked at once.

"I might have gotten a little competitive..." Hank spoke quietly rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. Soon Jean and Charles burst out into laughter and everyone turned to them. 

"Mindreaders wanna let us in on the joke?" Logan asked. 

"Erik told Hank- he- he told him that he must not have been that good- be- because they didn't hear anything from down the hall" Jean spoke in between laughs. Little do they know why they didn't hear us from down the hall.

"Then Hank tried to ignore him, but- but Erik threw a- a can of energy drink at him and- and said- 'this should help her not fall asleep out of boredom' and then they started to attack each other" Charles spoke while wheezing and crying with laughter. 

I felt my face flush with embarrassment and both Erik and Hank at me also seemingly embarrassed. I decided to mess with Erik some.

"At least my entire relationship doesn't center around playing chess and committing war crimes" I spoke getting a laugh from most people.

"Hey!" Charles and Erik spoke in sync.


"And that's how you play sardines, hope everyone enjoyed game night!" Peter spoke before speeding away. 

I Die Often HankWhere stories live. Discover now