your eyes look like coming home

Start from the beginning

"What is it, Mommy?" Brooklyn asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"Oh, nothing," Taylor said, quickly shaking her head. "Want to go say goodbye?"


So, hand in hand, Taylor and Brooklyn walked over to where Jackson was standing, talking to who Taylor still assumed was his father.

Jackson's face lit up when he saw Brooklyn was just a few feet from him. "Dad, that's Brooklyn!" he said, running the last few yards over, his dad following behind. "Brooklyn, this is my dad."

"Hello," Brooklyn said, slightly shy. She did smile, though.

"Hi Brooklyn, it's nice to meet you. Jackson was just telling me how much fun you two had today." Taylor was suprised to find that the man had a British accent.

Brooklyn nodded, smiling a bit. Taylor laughed.

"Hi, I'm Taylor," she said, talking to Jackson's father. "I'm Brooklyn's mom."

"I'm Joe. Jackson's dad," Joe replied, placing his hands casually in the pockets of his dark blue jeans.

Taylor took a closer look at him. His ocean blue eyes were growing more and more beautiful every second she looked at them, and really the only way to describe him was gorgeous.

"Well, it's great to meet you. We should arrange a play date for them sometime?" Taylor suggested, her voice rising at the end so she was asking a question.

"Oh, yeah, they'd have fun with that," Joe said after a beat. "Should we... phone numbers, or email...?"

"Uh... I'm more likely to see texts," Taylor said.

"Yeah, so am I. Just wanted to give you options," Joe said, laughing a bit. He pulled his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans and unlocked it, handing it to Taylor. "Here, you can type in your number."

"Thanks..." Taylor said, quickly filling in her phone number and name before handing Joe's phone back to him.

"Taylor Swift," Joe said, reading the contact. "Catchy. You could be a celebrity with that name."

Laughing, Taylor could feel the slight blush rise to her cheeks. "Well, Brooklyn, we do have to get going, honey," she said to her daughter, who was now a few feet away, playing with Jackson.

When Brooklyn pouted, Taylor laughed. "Come on, Brooke. We're gonna go to grandma's, and she has cookies!"

At the mention of cookies, Brooklyn's eyes lit up. She ran over to her mom, but then she looked back at Jackson. "Can Jackson come too?" she asked, looking hopefully up at her mother.

Chuckling, Taylor shook her head. "I'm afraid not, baby," she said. "But if you want, you can bring him a cookie tomorrow. If that's alright with you, of course," Taylor quickly added on, looking over to Joe.

"Oh, yeah, if it's no trouble," Joe replied.

"Don't worry, my mom always makes way too many cookies for the four of us to eat," Taylor replied, smiling.

Joe looked confused for just a moment when Taylor said 'the four of us', but he quickly smoothed his face over. "Well then, thank you in advance. I'll let you be on your way," said Joe, smiling politely.

"Anytime. Goodbye!" Taylor said, and she and Brooklyn walked hand in hand to the car.

At her mom's house, Andrea had prepared large macaroons, and had them set out on a tray. "I thought we might decorate them together. How does that sound, Brooklyn?" Andrea asked her granddaughter.

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